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Modifying Circulation Administration Permissions

When you add a new user and assign Circulation Admin permissions (see Adding a User for details), or when you click the Circ Admin Permissions link on the Edit User Accounts screen (see Editing User Accounts for details), the Circ Admin Permissions screen displays. The Circ Admin Permissions screen shows the Circulation Administration permissions currently granted to the user. You may grant or deny additional permissions as desired.

Circ Admin Permissions Screen

Circ Admin Permissions Screen

To modify Circulation Administration Permissions:


Permission Definition
Material Types Allows the user to create and maintain material types for your system.
Fee Setup Allows the user to establish and maintain a list of fees for library services.
Locations Collections Allows the user to create and manage libraries, branches and collection for your system.
Manage Location Groups Allows the user to create and manage location groups for your system.
Patrons Allows the user to view the Patrons submenu. User may be selectively granted permissions for the following functions:

Patron Categories

Allows the user to create and manage patron categories for your system.

Patron Groups

Allows the user to create and manage patron groups for your system.

Set Age Transitions

Allows the user to specify the parameters by which the system will automatically change a patron’s Patron Category and/or Patron Group assignment based on the patron’s age.
Notices Allows the user to view the Notices submenu. User may be selectively granted permissions for the following functions:

Overdue Notice Setup

Allows the user to create and edit overdue notices for your system.

ILL Overdue Notice Setup

Allows the user to create and manage overdue notices for the Circ-ILL module in your system. The ILL Overdue Notice Setup function is available only for libraries that have enabled the optional Circ-ILL functionality.

Fine Notice Setup

Allows the user to create and edit the fine notice for your system.

Reserve Pickup Notice Setup

Allows the user to create and edit the reserve pickup notice for your system.

Weekly Patron Status Notice

Allows the user to create and edit the weekly patron status notice for your system.

Soft Reserve Cancelled Notice Setup

Allows the user to create and edit the soft reserve cancelled notice for your system.

Hard Reserve Cancelled Notice Setup

Allows the user to create and edit the hard reserve cancelled notice for your system.

Library Card Expiry Notice Setup

Allows the user to create and edit the library card expiry notice for your system.

Infrequent User Notice Setup

Allows the user to create and edit the infrequent user notice for your system.

Checkin In Transit Receipt

Allows the user to create and edit the checkin in transit receipt for your system.

Reserve In Transit Receipt

Allows the user to create and edit the reserve in transit receipt for your system.
Text Message Setup Allows the user to view the Text Message Setup submenu. User may be selectively granted permissions for the following functions:


Allows the user to create and edit the text message used by the Short Message Service (SMS) function when a single notice is included in a text message to a patron.


Allows the user to create and edit the text message used by the Short Message Service (SMS) function when two or more notices are included in a text message to a given patron.
Floating Collection Limits Allows the user to establish the maximum number of “floating” items a library may have in its collections at any given time. The Floating Collection Limits function is available only for libraries that have enabled the optional “smart” floating collections functionality.
Circulation Parameters Allows the user to view the Circulation Parameters submenu. User may be selectively granted permissions for the following functions:

Loan Periods

Allows the user to establish and manage loan periods for the libraries, branches and collections in your system.

Renewal Periods

Allows the user to establish and manage renewal periods for the libraries, branches and collections in your system.

Renewal Limits

Allows the user to establish and manage renewal limits for the libraries, branches and collections in your system.

Checkout Limits

Allows the user to establish and manage checkout limits for the libraries, branches and collections in your system.

Fine Amounts

Allows the user to establish and manage fine amounts for the libraries, branches and collections in your system.

Fine Limits

Allows the user to establish and manage fine limits for the libraries, branches and collections in your system.

Checkout Fees

Allows the user to establish and manage checkout fees for the libraries, branches and collections in your system.

Calendar Setup

Allows the user to establish and maintain a list of “closed” days for the libraries in your system.

Library Hours

Allows the user to establish and maintain a schedule of operating hours for the libraries in your system.

Item Status Management

Allows the user to create and edit user defined exceptions (status values) for your system.

Customer Status Management

Allows the user to set the Public Display Name and OPAC Color Display for standard exceptions for your library or consortium.

Hard Block Limits

Allows the user to establish and maintain hard block limits against a patron’s borrowing privileges for your system.

Fines Suspension

Allows the user to specify one or more time periods during which assessment of fines is suspended.
System Block Messages Allows the user to manage “block” messages, which can be selectively applied when a “soft” or “hard” block is registered against a patron’s account using the Add Patron Block function.
Circulation Options Allows the user to configure various “user selectable” operating parameters for your system.
Batch Update Due Dates Allows the user to update the due dates for all currently checked out items for all patrons to a new specified due date.
ILL Circulation Options Allows the user to configure various parameters for interlibrary loan (ILL) activities within your system. The ILL Circulation Options function is available only for libraries that have enabled the optional Circ-ILL functionality.
Define Pickup Locations Allows the user to create and manage pickup locations for libraries in your system.
Unique Mgmt Setup Allows the user to maintain your library's Unique Management account information, and specify the criteria by which patrons are included in reports transmitted to Unique Management, Inc. for collection.
Item Categories Allows the user to create and manage item categories for libraries in your system.
Primary Patron Hold Mgmt Allows the user to configure options for Primary Patron Hold functionality that allows libraries to establish preferences for their own patrons (against patrons from other libraries) when placing holds for “newly added” items in the library’s catalog.
Expired Patron Maintenance Allows the user to update expiration dates for expired patron, or to remove expired patrons from your database.
SMS Management Allows the user to maintain a list of SMS carriers used by the Short Message Service (SMS) text messaging function.
TalkingTech Admin Allows the user to view the TalkingTech Admin submenu. User may be selectively granted permissions for the following functions:


Allows the user to specify the types of messages to be sent through TALKINGtech (for patrons who have specified i-Tiva as their notification preference), and the time of day at which messages are processed.

Results Report

Allows the user to view text messaging results for a selected one-month period.
SmartPay Device Admin Allows the user to configure the system for operation with a SmartPay Credit Card device.
Receipts and Notice Configuration Allows the user to edit text header and footer text for receipts printed from within the system.
Print Barcode Shortcut Report Allows the user to print a barcode shortcut report for item checkins, checkouts and/or renewals.
Reserves Fulfillment Allows the user to view reserves fulfillment statistics for a selected library, branch or collection.
Patron Notification/ Agreement Text Allows the user to create and maintain patron notification and agreement text.
Reserve Notes Notification Parameter Allows the user to create and maintain notification parameters for staff- and/or patron-initiated changes to reserve notes.

Configure Alert Parameters


Configure Return Address

Manage Sounds Allows the user to customize the audible alarms that sound for various circulation activities and events.
Brief Record Options Allows the user to specify the required fields for the Add Brief Record screen access through the Iluminar interface