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Creating Reserve Requests from a List

The Your Lists feature lets you create reserve requests for one or more titles from items saved to a list.

To create a hold request for a single title:

  1. Open the list containing the title for which you wish to submit a reserve request (see Viewing and Managing Lists (Authenticated Patron) for details).
  2. Click the Hold button for the desired title.
    • The Hold a Title For screen displays.
    • The screen shows your first name, the title and author of the title for which you are placing the reserve, and the date the Hold expires on.
  3. Select the library location from which you wish to pick up the item (when available) from the Pickup Location menu.
    • The Pickup Location menu lists all pickup locations defined for your library.

    NOTE: If your user account includes a Home Location affiliation, the correct pickup location for your account is selected by default.

    NOTE: For libraries with a single Pickup Location only, the Pickup Location menu is not shown.

  4. If you do not need the reserve until after a given date, click the Date Entry Calendar icon Date Entry Calendar icon next to the Not Needed Before Date text box to enter the appropriate date (see Using the Date Entry Calendar for details).
  5. If desired, click the Date Entry Calendar icon Date Entry Calendar icon next to the Cancel if Not Filled by text box to enter a cancellation date for the reserve (see Using the Date Entry Calendar for details).
  6. If desired, enter any additional information related to the reserve that you wish to provide to library staff in the Notes text box.
  7. Select the Reserve Any Items checkbox to place a “Title Level” reserve to be filled by any copy of the title, or select one or more Specific Item checkboxes to place an “Item Level” reserve to be filled by the specified item(s) only.

    NOTE: If your library has not enabled “Item Level” reserve functionality, the Specific Item checkboxes are not available, and the reserve is placed at the “Title Level” by default.

  8. When all desired information has been entered, click the Place Hold button to submit your reserve request. (Click the Cancel button to cancel the reserve and return to the Your Lists screen.)
    • The confirmation message “Reserve placed” displays briefly, and shows the Patron Name for whom the reserve was placed, the date This Reserve expires on, and the Patron Pickup Location for the reserve.
    • The system returns to the Your Lists screen.

NOTE: You can use the Your Items – Items on Hold feature in Your Account to view a list of your current reserves. You can also add or edit Reserve Notes, and delete reserves. See Viewing Your Items for details.

To create “batch” reserve requests for multiple titles:

NOTE: When placing “batch” reserve requests for multiple titles, reserves are placed at the “Title Level” by default.

  1. Open the list containing the titles for which you wish to submit reserve requests (see Viewing and Managing Lists (Authenticated Patron) for details).
  2. Use the checkboxes to select the titles for which you wish to submit reserve requests.
    • A checkmark checkmark indicates the record is selected.
    • An empty checkbox checkbox indicates the record is not selected.
    • Clicking a checkbox repeatedly will toggle it on and off.
    • Click the Select / Clear All link to select the checkboxes for all records in the list. (Click the Select / Clear All link again to clear the checkboxes for all records in the list.
  3. Click the Hold button at the top of the screen.

    NOTE: The Hold button is not active until one or more records are selected.

    • The Multiple Items on Hold screen displays.
    • The screen shows your full name (last, first) and the date the Reserve Expires on.
      • A separate entry is included for each title for which a reserve will be placed. Each entry shows Title and Author for the title, and the Database from which the record was taken.
  4. Select the library location from which you wish to pick up the item (when available) from the Pickup Location menu.
    • The Pickup Location menu lists all pickup locations defined for your library.
  5. If desired, click the Date Entry Calendar icon Date Entry Calendar icon next to the Cancel if Not Filled text box to enter a cancellation date for the reserve (see Using the Date Entry Calendar for details).
  6. When all desired information has been entered, click the Place Hold(s) button to submit your reserve requests. (Click the Cancel button to cancel the reserves and return to the Your Lists screen.)
    • A confirmation message displays, showing the total number of reserves placed, and the pickup location for the reserved titles.
  7. Click the OK button to close the confirmation message.
    • The system returns to the Your Lists screen, and the checkboxes for all records return to the unselected state.