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Using the Date Entry Calendar

Use the Date Entry Calendar to select the Not Needed Before Date and Cancel if Not Filled by date on the Hold a Title form (see Placing Reserves for details) or when suspending holds (see Suspending Holds for details), or when entering your Date of Birth on the Self-registration form.

To select a date from the Date Entry Calendar:

  1. Click the Date Entry Calendar icon Date Entry Calendar icon 1 next to the date entry text box.
    • The Date Entry Calendar displays.

Date Entry Calendar

Date Entry Calendar

  1. To scroll the calendar month-by-month:
    • Use the < and > icons to scroll backwards and forwards one month at a time. Click a date to select the desired day for the currently displayed month.
      • The Date Entry Calendar closes, and the selected date is automatically entered in the associated text box.
  2. To scroll the calendar year-by-year:
    • Click the Calendar Expand icon Calendar Expand icon next to the month and year in the calendar header.
      • The calendar refreshes to display a calendar of months for the current year.

Date Entry Calendar - Months

Date Entry Calendar - Months