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Chapter 3. USING AGCat



Adding and Deleting Fields

To insert a field:

  1. Position the cursor in the field above which you wish to insert the new field.
  2. Select Field from the Insert menu, or click the Insert a New Field button Insert a New Field button on the Toolbar.
  3. If the Insert new field using MARC tag selection list option is enabled (see Setting General Options for details), the Select MARC Tag to Be Inserted dialog displays.
    • Select the tag you wish to insert from the list provided, then click the Insert button to insert the selected tag in the currently active record. (Click the Cancel button to cancel the insertion and leave the record unchanged.)
    • Enter the indicators and first subfield as appropriate.

    NOTE: If desired, press the <Tab> key on the keyboard to automatically insert default indicators and a default first subfield.

    • If you attempt to insert a non-repeatable field into a record where the field currently exists, an advisory dialog displays the message “(Tag number) is not repeatable!”
    • Click the OK button on the advisory dialog to close the dialog and return to the Select MARC Tag to Be Inserted dialog.
  4. If the Insert new field using MARC tag selection list option is not enabled (see Setting General Options for details), a "blank line" is inserted in the record above the field in which the cursor was positioned.
    • Enter the field number, indicators, and first subfield as appropriate.

    NOTE: If desired, you may enter the field number, then press the <Tab> key on the keyboard to automatically insert default indicators and a default first subfield.

    • If you attempt to insert a non-repeatable field into a record where the field currently exists, the Invalid Tag dialog displays the message "Tag (number) is not repeatable!". Select the desired option from those presented:

Invalid Tag Dialog

Invalid Tag Dialog

  • Return to correct the error - Returns to the currently active record to allow you to correct the error.

  • Override validation - Overrides validation for the current Paste command only, and inserts the field into the record.
  • Override all validations - Overrides validation for the current Paste command, and all subsequent validations for the tag.

To insert a default 091 tag (contributor code):

  1. Position the cursor in the field above which you wish to insert the new field.
  2. Select Tag 091 (contributor code) from the Insert menu, or click the Insert Contributor Code button Insert Contributor Code button on the Toolbar.
    • A default 091 tag is inserted in the record above the field in which the cursor was positioned.

    NOTE: You can use the Edit Default 091 command to edit the contents of the default 091 tag (see Modifying the Default 091 Tag (Contributor Code) for details).

    • If you attempt to insert a default 091 field into a record where the field currently exists, the Invalid Tag dialog displays the message "Tag (number) is not repeatable!" Select the desired option from those presented:

Invalid Tag Dialog

Invalid Tag Dialog

  • Return to correct the error - Returns to the currently active record to allow you to correct the error.
  • Override validation - Overrides validation for the current Insert command only, and inserts the field into the record.
  • Override all validations - Overrides validation for the current Insert command, and all subsequent validations for the tag.

To insert a default HLD tag (RESEARCHit / SHAREit systems):

  1. Position the cursor in the field above which you wish to insert the new field.
  2. Select Tag HLD from the Insert menu, or click the Insert HLD button Insert HLD button on the Toolbar.
    • A default HLD tag is inserted in the record above the field in which the cursor was positioned.

    NOTE: You can use the Edit Default HLD command to edit the contents of the default HLD tag (see Modifying the Default HLD Tag for details).

To insert a default HLD tag (VERSO systems):

  1. Position the cursor in the field above which you wish to insert the new field.
  2. Select Tag HLD from the Insert menu, or click the Insert HLD button Insert HLD button on the Toolbar.
    • A default HLD tag is inserted in the record above the field in which the cursor was positioned, and the Edit Item dialog displays.

Edit Item Dialog

Edit Item Dialog

NOTE: You can use the Edit Default HLD command to edit the contents of the default HLD tag (see Modifying the Default HLD Tag for details).

  1. Enter the desired information for the item on the Edit Item dialog.
    • Enter the Barcode, Copy number, Prefix, Suffix and Item Call Number, item Cost, and Alternate ID in the associated text boxes.
      • If desired, you may leave the Barcode field blank. The system will assign a barcode automatically when you submit the form.
    • Enter any additional Comment or Circ Note (circulation note) in the associated text boxes.
      • The Circ Note is intended for use in noting damaged items on check in, identifying special handling requirements, or other related information. The Circ Note is shown in the Item Has Notes field on the Checkout Warning screen and Item Checkin screen in the Circulation module.
    • Select the desired material type for the item from the Material Type menu.

      NOTE: The Material Type menu lists all currently defined material types for your library.

    • Select the appropriate location for the item from the Current Location and Permanent Location menus.

      NOTE: The Current Location and Permanent Location menus list all currently defined library locations/collections for your library.

      • Select the permanent location for the item from the Permanent Location menu.
      • If the item will be temporarily placed in a location other than the selected Permanent Location, select the appropriate temporary location from the Current Location menu; otherwise, select the same location from both menus.
    • Select the desired item status from the Status menu; Available, At Bindery, Deleted, Discarded, In Process, Lost, Missing, Non Circulating, On Order or Patron Lost.

      NOTE: The Status menu may list additional exceptions defined by your library.

    • Use the Do Not Allow Circulation checkbox to indicate the item is “non-circulating.”
      • A checkmark checkmark indicates the item is not allowed for circulation.
      • An empty checkbox checkbox indicates the item is allowed for circulation.
      • Clicking a checkbox repeatedly will toggle it on and off.
    • If the item being added is a multi-volume, multi-part or serial title, enter the necessary information in the Enumeration and Chronology fields.
  2. When all desired information has been entered, click the OK button to save the item record.

To delete a field:

  1. Position the cursor in the field you wish to delete.
  2. Select Cut from the Edit menu, or click the Cut button Cut button on the Toolbar.
    • The selected field is deleted from the record.