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Setting General Options

General options let you set your preferences for various editing and display functions.

To set General options:

  1. From the Options dialog, click the General tab.
    • The General Options dialog displays.

General Options Dialog

General Options Dialog

  1. If desired, select one or more of the following options using the associated checkboxes:

    NOTE: A checkmark checkmark indicates the associated option is selected. An empty checkbox checkbox indicates the associated option is not selected. Clicking a checkbox repeatedly will toggle it on and off.

    • Display <HLD> before numeric tags – Displays all HLD tags before numeric tags in record displays.
    • Always normalize <HLD> before saving – Automatically normalizes all <HLD> fields whenever a Quick Save, Save As or Save to Database is performed.
    • Advance Edit <007? & <008> - Enables the tag 007 and tag 008 advanced editing functions. Double-clicking a specific field in the 007 or 008 tag automatically opens the associated Edit Field dialog and the Edit Data Element dialog for the selected field (see Editing Tag 007 and Editing Tag 008 for details).
    • Insert <091> (contributor code) to new record – Automatically inserts a "default" 091 tag (contributor code) (see Modifying the Default 091 Tag (Contributor Code) for details) when a new record is opened.
    • Display MARC tag labels – Displays MARC Tag Labels following MARC Tag numbers in all open Editor Windows by default.

      NOTE: Display of MARC Tag Labels can be selectively enabled or disabled using the Marc Tag Labels option available through the View menu (see View Menu for details).

    • Insert new field using MARC tag selection list – Displays the MARC Tag Selection List when the Field option is selected from the Insert menu or the Insert a new field button Insert a New Field button is selected from the Toolbar.
    • Display tag overlay selection window – Displays the Tag Overlay Selection dialog automatically when overlaying bibliographic data from a source record to a destination record.
    • Overlay - close source record automatically – Automatically closes the source record following a successful overlay of bibliographic data to a destination record.
  2. If desired, enter or edit the subfields by which all <HLD> fields in the record will be sorted and normalized in the HLD subfields normalized by text box.
    • Enter the desired fields in order of precedence.
    • When the Sort fields command is selected, <HLD> tags are sorted by the "first" field specified. Then, all <HLD> tags with identical "first" fields are sorted by the "second" field. This process repeats through all listed fields. If the <HLD> tags contain fields that are not listed in the HLD subfields normalized by text box, the tags are not sorted on these fields.
    • When the Normalize HLD command is selected, all <HLD> tags that match identically on all specified fields are de-duplicated.
  3. If desired, use the Colors options to change the colors used for fields and subfield codes.

Windows Color dialog

Windows Color Dialog

NOTE: The Authority Browse Size function is not currently implemented.

  1. When all desired selections have been made, click the OK button to apply your changes. (Click the Cancel button to leave your General Options unchanged and close the Options dialog.)