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Downloading the AGCat Client

You must download and install the AGCat Cataloging Client on each workstation that will be used to maintain bibliographic records within your library's union database.

NOTE: If you have not been granted cataloging permissions (see the RESEARCHit User Administration User Guide or VERSO User Administration User Guide for details), you WILL NOT be able to download and install the AGCat Cataloging Client.

To download the AGCat Client:

  1. Click the Staff Dashboard link on any screen in the Search interface.
    • The Staff Dashboard displays.
  2. From the CAT Admin menu, select Download AGCat Utility.
    • The Download AGCat Utility screen displays the message "You have been authorized to download the AGCat utility. Please click here to Download."

Download AGCat Utility Screen

Download AGCat Utility Screen

  1. Click the Please click here to Download link.
    • A File Download dialog displays.
  2. Use the standard procedures for your web browser to download and save the AGCATINSTALL.EXE file to your local workstation.