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Chapter 3. USING AGCat



Editing Tag 007

Physical Description Fixed Field 007 is edited using drop-down menus and list boxes that help you to enter data according to character position. You can insert an 007 tag into a record and specify the tag contents, or you can edit an 007 tag currently included in a record.

To insert tag 007:

  1. Access the record into which you wish to insert the tag.
  2. Position the cursor anywhere within the record in the active record window, then select Tag 007 from the Edit menu or click the Edit/Insert field 007 button Edit Insert Field 007 button  on the Toolbar.
    • A “default” tag 007 is inserted into the record, and the Edit Field 007 dialog displays. The Current contents field shows the current contents of the tag.

Edit Field 007 Dialog – Specific Material Designation Menu

Edit Field 007 Dialog – Specific Material Designation Menu

  1. Select the desired material category from the Category of material menu.
    • The dialog refreshes to display the Specific material designation menu or Data elements list box appropriate to the currently selected material category. The Current contents field shows the default values for the currently selected material category.
    • The physical appearance of the Edit Field 007 dialog, as well as the options available, vary according to the material category selected.
  2. Specify the desired content for the tag:
    • If the dialog shows a Specific material designation menu, select the desired material designation from the available options.
    • If the dialog shows a Data elements list box:
      • Click the desired data element. A Field 007 Data Element dialog displays.

Edit Field 007 Dialog – Data Elements

Edit Field 007 Dialog – Data Elements

  • Select the desired value from the available options, then click the OK button. (Click the Cancel button if you do not wish to change the value for the currently selected data element.)
  • The Field 007 Data Element dialog closes, and the Current contents field refreshes to display your changes.
  • Repeat as necessary to select the desired options for additional data elements.
  1. When all desired changes have been made to tag 007, click the OK button on the Edit Field 007 dialog to close the dialog and return to the currently active record.

To edit tag 007:

  1. Access the desired record.
  2. Position the cursor anywhere within the record in the active record window, then select Tag 007 from the Edit menu or click the Edit/Insert field 007 button Edit Insert Field 007 button on the Toolbar.
    • The cursor is positioned in tag 007 in the active record, and the Edit Field 007 dialog displays. The Current contents field shows the current contents of the tag.

Field 007 Data Element Dialog

Field 007 Data Element Dialog

  1. Edit the content of tag 007 as described above.