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Chapter 3. USING AGCat



Editing Tag 008

Control field 008 is edited using dialog boxes that help you to enter data according to character position.

To edit tag 008:

  1. Position the cursor anywhere within the record in the active record window, then select Tag 008 from the Edit menu, or, click the Edit Field 008 button Edit Field 008 button on the Toolbar.
    • The Edit Field 008 dialog displays. The dialog shows the field’s Current contents of the tag, and provides a list of Data elements (along with their related character positions) appropriate to the record format.

Edit Field 008 Dialog

Edit Field 008 Dialog

NOTE: Tag 008 can be edited from anywhere within the record.

  1. Locate and highlight the data element you wish to change, then click the Edit button.
    • The Field 008 Data Element dialog displays.

NOTE: If the cursor is positioned within tag 008, and the Advanced edit <008> option is enabled (see Setting General Options for details), the Field 008 Data Element dialog for the appropriate character position displays automatically when the Edit 008 Tag command is invoked.

  • The dialog includes a text box if text entry is required. Enter the appropriate text, then click the OK button to save your changes. (Click the Cancel button to cancel your changes and return to the Edit Field 008 dialog.)

Edit Field 008 Dialog – Text Entry

Edit Field 008 Dialog – Text Entry

  • The dialog includes a drop-down list box if it is appropriate to select one of several values. Select the desired value from the available options, then click the OK button to save your changes. (Click the Cancel button to cancel your changes and return to the Edit Field 008 dialog.)

Edit Field 008– List Box

Edit Field 008– List Box

  • If multiple entries are allowed for a given element, the dialog displays two lists; Available codes (contains a listing of valid codes for the data element), and Selected codes (contains a listing of currently selected codes for the data element). The dialog also indicates the maximum number of codes that can be included in the data element.

Edit Field 008– Multiple Entry

Edit Field 008– Multiple Entry

To add a code to the data element, locate and highlight the desired code in the Available codes list, then click the Add button to add the code to the Selected codes list. When the maximum number of codes allowed have been added to the Selected codes list, the Add button becomes unavailable.

To remove a code from the data element, highlight the desired code in the Selected codes list, then click the Remove button to remove the code. When all codes have been removed from the Selected codes list, the Remove button becomes unavailable.

When all desired changes have been made, click the OK button to save your changes. (Click the Cancel button to cancel your changes and return to the Edit Field 008 dialog.)

  1. When all desired changes have been made to tag 008, click the OK button on the Edit Field 008 dialog to close the dialog and return to the currently active record.