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Chapter 3. USING AGCat



Entering Special Characters

AGCat supports the use of diacritics, symbols and escape sequences as defined by MARC 21 Specifications for Record Structure, Character Sets, and Exchange Media.

To insert a special character:

Special characters, such as those with diacritics or those that are not used in the English language, can be inserted using the Special Character command.

  1. Position the cursor at the location in which you wish to insert the special character.
  2. Select Special Character from the Insert menu, or click the Special Character button Special Character button on the Toolbar.
    • The Special Characters dialog displays. The dialog lists all special characters that can be inserted into the active record.

Special Characters Dialog

Special Characters Dialog

  1. Insert the desired special character using any of the following methods:
    • Locate and double-click the desired character in the Special Characters list.
    • Locate and highlight the desired character in the Special Characters list and click the OK button.
    • Locate the desired character in the Special Characters list and type the key listed in the Type column for the desired character.

    NOTE: It is not necessary to highlight an entry in the list when using this method to enter special characters. Keyboard entry will override list selection.

    NOTE: Characters listed in the Type column are case-sensitive.

  2. The Special Characters dialog closes automatically, and the special character is entered in the record at the cursor location.

To apply a diacritic to a character:

To insert an escape sequence:

The Escape Sequence function is used to insert Greek letters and superscript or subscript characters. All escape sequences consist of an escape sequence entry character, one or more data characters, and the escape sequence termination character. The list of valid escape sequences is defined in MARC 21 Specifications for Record Structure, Character Sets, and Exchange Media; however, AGCat supports only those escape characters listed below:

Escape Characters

Escape Character


Valid Data Characters


Enables Greek alphabet

Lower-case alpha, beta, and gamma


Enables superscript characters

1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 0, (, ), +, -


Enables subscript characters

1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 0, (, ), +, -


Returns to ASCII



  1. Position the cursor at the location in which you wish to insert the escape sequence.
  2. Select Escape Sequence from the Insert menu, or, click the Escape Sequence button Escape Sequence button on the Toolbar.
    • The Escape Sequence dialog displays.

Escape Sequence Dialog

Escape Sequence Dialog

  1. Type the desired escape sequence entry character.
    • The Escape Sequence dialog closes, and the escape sequence entry character is automatically entered in the currently active record at the cursor location.
  2. Type the desired data character(s) immediately following the escape sequence entry character.
  3. When all desired data characters have been entered, select Escape Sequence from the Insert menu, or, click the Escape Sequence button Escape Sequence button on the Toolbar.
    • The Escape Sequence dialog displays.
  4. Type the escape sequence termination character "s".

    NOTE: All escape sequences MUST end with this character.

    • The Escape Sequence dialog closes, and the escape sequence termination character is automatically entered in the currently active record at the cursor location.

Example: e=mc2

  1. Type “e=mc” in the usual manner.
  2. With the cursor positioned immediately following the letter "c", select Escape Sequence from the Insert menu, or, click the Escape Sequence button Escape Sequence button on the Toolbar.
    • The Escape Sequence dialog displays.
  3. Type the letter “p” to switch the typing mode to superscript.
    • The Escape Sequence dialog closes, and “<ESC>p” (the escape sequence entry character) is automatically entered in the currently active record at the cursor location.
  4. Type the number “2” (the data character you wish to display in superscript).
  5. Select Escape Sequence from the Insert menu, or, click the Escape Sequence button Escape Sequence button on the Toolbar.
    • The Escape Sequence dialog displays.
  6. Type the escape sequence termination character "s" to return to the normal typing mode.
    • The Escape Sequence dialog closes, and “<ESC>s” (the escape sequence termination character) is automatically entered in the currently active record at the cursor location.

    NOTE: All escape sequences MUST end with this character.

  7. The completed escape sequence appears as follows:
