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Chapter 3. USING AGCat



Merging Records

The Merge Records function lets you merge the holdings from a selected source record to a selected destination record, and automatically remove the source record from your library’s database.

To merge bibliographic records:

  1. Open the records containing the holdings you wish to merge for editing in AGCat (see Editing Existing Records for details).
  2. Select Merge Records from the Record menu or, click the Merge records button Merge Records button.
    • The Merge Records dialog displays.

Merge Records Dialog

Merge Records Dialog

  1. Select the radio button for the record you wish to KEEP (the record into which you wish to merge holdings).
    • The radio button for the record to MERGE (the record from which you wish to merge holdings) adjusts automatically.
  2. Click the OK button on the Merge Records dialog to merge the records. (Click the Cancel button to cancel the merge and leave both records intact.)
    • The Merge Records dialog closes automatically, holdings from the record to MERGE are added to the record to KEEP, and the record to MERGE is deleted from the database.