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Chapter 3. USING AGCat



Overlaying Records

The Overlay functions let you copy bibliographic data from a selected source record (generally obtained from a source outside the VERSO system) and overlay the data to a selected destination record. Tools are also provided to revert an active destination record to which bibliographic data has been overlaid to its original (pre-overlaid) state.

NOTE: Alternately, you can create a copy of a record obtained from a RESEARCHit, SHAREit or VERSO database to use as the source record for overlay (see Creating Copy Cataloging for details).

To overlay bibliographic data:

  1. Open the source record (the record from which you wish to copy bibliographic data) and destination record (the record to which you wish to copy bibliographic data) in AGCat (see Editing Existing Records for details).
  2. Click the source record, then choose Copy Bibliographic Data for Overlay from the Record menu.
  3. Click the destination record, then choose Overlay Bibliographic Data from the Record menu.
    • A confirmation dialog displays the message “Are you sure you want to overlay (destination record) with (source record)?”

Overlay Confirmation Dialog

Overlay Confirmation Dialog

  1. Click the Yes button to continue. (Click the No button to cancel the overlay and leave the destination record unchanged.)
    • The Overlay Tags Selection dialog displays.

Overlay Tags Selection Dialog

Overlay Tags Selection Dialog

  1. Use the Tags to be kept from existing record checkboxes to select the tags in the destination record that you wish to retain (tags that will not be deleted or overwritten with content from the source record).
    • A checkmark checkmark indicates all occurrences of the associated tag in the destination record will be retained (the tag will not be deleted or overwritten with content from the source record).
    • An empty checkbox checkbox indicates all occurrences of the associated tag in the destination record will not be retained (the tag will be deleted or overwritten with content from the source record, as appropriate).
    • Clicking a checkbox repeatedly will toggle it on and off.
  2. Use the Tags from incoming record to overlay checkboxes to select the tags in the source record that you wish to overlay (tags that will overwrite existing content or be added to the destination record).
    • A checkmark checkmark indicates all occurrences of the associated tag in the source record will overwrite or be added to the destination record.
    • An empty checkbox checkbox indicates all occurrences of the associated tag in the source record will not overwrite or be added to the destination record.
    • Clicking a checkbox repeatedly will toggle it on and off.
  3. Click the OK button to complete the overlay.
    • The source record closes automatically, and the destination record is updated according to the selections made in the Overlay Tags Selection dialog.
    • A confirmation dialog displays the message “Overlay process has been completed.”
  4. Click the OK button on the confirmation dialog to close the dialog and return to the updated destination record.

To undo an overlay: