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Chapter 3. USING AGCat



Editing Existing Records

You can use AGCat to edit existing bibliographic records in your library or consortium’s union database. When you open an existing record from your library’s union database, AGCat retains the record’s AGCN, and overwrites the original record when the edited record is uploaded to the database.

To edit an existing record:

  1. In RESEARCHit, SHAREit or VERSO, access the Full Record Display for the record you wish to edit.
  2. Click the Edit Bib Record button (on the MARC Display tab of the Full Record) or select Edit Bib Record from the Staff Function menu to open the record in AGCat (see Starting AGCat for details).
    • The selected record displays in an Editor window.
  3. Edit bibliographic content and holdings information as desired.
  4. When you are finished editing the record, you may save it to your library’s union database, to the Download Cart for your user account, or to a local or network drive (see Saving Records for details).