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Chapter 3. USING AGCat



Using the Spell Checker

The Spell Checker lets you check spelling in new and edited records. You can manually invoke the Spell Checker at any time during record editing, or you can configure AGCat to automatically invoke the Spell Checker each time you save a record (see Setting Spelling Options for details).

To spell check a record:

NOTE: AGCat provides a number of Spell Checker options, allowing you to customize the way the Spell Checker operates to suit your particular needs (see Setting Spelling Options for details).

  1. Make sure the record you wish to spell check is the currently active record.
  2. Select Spell Check from the Tools menu, or click the Spelling button Spelling button in the Toolbar.
  3. When a potentially misspelled word is located, the Check Spelling dialog displays.

Check Spelling Dialog

Check Spelling Dialog

  1. To leave only this occurrence of the word unchanged, click the Ignore button. To leave all occurrences of the word unchanged (throughout the entire record), click the Ignore All button.
  2. To add the suspect word to the current dictionary, click the Add button.
  3. To change only this occurrence of the word, enter the correct spelling for the word in the Change to text box (or select the correct spelling for the word from the Suggestions list), then click the Change button. To change all occurrences of the word (throughout the entire record), enter the correct spelling for the word in the Change to text box (or select the correct spelling for the word from the Suggestions list), then click the Change All button.
  4. When the spell check is complete, the Check Spelling dialog closes automatically.
    • To cancel a spell check prior to its completion, click the Cancel button.