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Deleting Locations

You can delete locations for the currently displayed record.

To delete a location:

  1. Access the Full Record Display for the title from which you wish to delete a location in your library's Union database. (Refer to the Search User Guide for details.)
  2. Select Delete Locations from the Staff Functions menu (see The Staff Functions Menu for details).

    NOTE: f your library is configured to manage locations for multiple libraries, select the library for which you wish to perform locations maintenance (see Managing Locations for Multiple Libraries for details).

    • The List of Locations for Delete dialog displays.

list of locations for delete dialog

List of Locations for Delete Dialog

  1. Select the radio button for the location record you wish to delete, then click the Delete Location button.
    • The List of Locations for Delete panel closes, and the message “Location Deleted” shows briefly at the top of the screen.
  2. If desired, repeat steps 2 and 3 to delete additional locations.