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Using the URL (856) Checker

The URL (856) Checker is used to validate URLs in MARC tag 856 $u for all records in your library’s A-G database(s). The URL (856) Checker generates a report listing all records for which one or more URLs returned an error (indicating that the referenced site is no longer active, or that some other problem with the URL exists). Each item in the report provides a link to the associated Full Record Display to support editing of the record to correct the URL.

To schedule the URL (856) Checker:

  1. From the Cat Admin menu, select URL (856) Checker.
    • The URL (856) Checker screen displays.

url 856 checker screen

URL (856) Checker Screen

  • Name - the name of the report
  • File Name- the name of the report file
  • Frequency - the frequency at which the report will be generated (this field always shows the value “Once”)
  • Run Date - the date and time at which the report request was submitted
  • Status - current status of the report:

Scheduled to run - the report request has been received by the system, and the report is scheduled to run at the specified date/time

Waiting to run - in the event multiple report requests are scheduled to run at the same time, indicates that the associated report is the next report to be run

Running - the report is currently running and is not yet available for viewing/download

Completed - the report has completed running and is available for viewing/download

Completed with errors - the report has completed running, but errors were generated/detected; reports that have Completed with errors are not available for viewing/download

  • Specifications - a recap of the parameters specified during report setup (this field is always blank)
  • Comments - in the event errors are generated/detected, this field may contain additional messages or troubleshooting information for use by Auto-Graphics Technical Services
  1. Enter the date on which you wish the report to run in the Date text box. Enter the desired date using the format MM/DD/YYYY, i.e., “03/10/2010”.

    NOTE: Be sure to include the slashes “/” when entering the Date. Do not include alphabetic characters when entering the Date.

    • You may also click the Date Entry Calendar icon Date Entry Calendar icon next to the Date text box to select a run date using the Date Entry Calendar (see the System Basics User Guide for details).

    NOTE: The report will be run after 9:00 PM (PST) on the specified date. The report can be scheduled to run only once every 30 days.

  2. Click the Submit button to submit your report request.
    • The report request is added at the top of the reports listing.
    • The report is saved in .html format for online viewing, and in .xls format for viewing using Microsoft Excel. The system assigns a default filename for the report using the format

      CheckURL_(date)_(ID number).(extension).