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Full Record Display

Each Full Record Display includes a book jacket illustration and complete bibliographic information for the associated title.

The Full Record Display is configured as a “two-pane” display.

Full Record Display

Full Record Display

The left pane shows the author, title, format and location for the title; a "Media Type" icon (see Media Type Icons for details) that indicates the media in which the title is available, and a book jacket illustration.

NOTE: The Request this Item button may not be available for items of certain formats or materials types.

The right pane includes complete bibliographic information for the title, Location information (a list of libraries that have a copy of the title) and may include book reviews and other enhanced content for the title. You can perform additional searches by selecting links in the bibliographic data.

NOTE: Depending on the specific configuration of the Full Record Display for your library, some features and functions may not be available.

To view the Full Record Display:

NOTE: The primary tab (the first section shown on the Full Record Display) is determined by your library. Depending on the configuration of the Full Record Display for your library, some tabs may not be available.

Tab Bar

Tab Bar