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Chapter 3. SEARCHING



Adding a Libraries Qualifier

The Libraries qualifier lets you search a subset of libraries within your consortium or collective.

NOTE: The Libraries qualifier is applied to your library's Union catalog(s) only. This feature is optional, and may not be enabled for all systems.

NOTE: Depending on the configuration of the system for your library or consortium, your library may provide access to more than one Union catalog. In this case, the specific options listed in the Libraries menu may vary, depending on the currently selected database. When more than one Union catalog is selected for a single search, the Libraries menu will show options for one database only. Library selection will be applied only to the database associated with the available options. Library selection will be ignored for all other selected databases.

To add a Libraries qualifier:

Libraries Qualifier

NOTE: By default, the Libraries qualifier is applied to Advanced Search only. If you wish to apply the Libraries qualifier to all searches, set the Apply Scoping to All Searches option in Your Preferences to Yes (see Your Preferences for details).