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Configuring the User Record

The User Record is comprised of up to 23 preset “system-required” and “optional” data fields. The Configure User Record function lets you establish the specific “optional” fields you wish included in the user record, determine the order in which the selected fields are displayed, and configure the User Record display shown to authenticated users via the Your Account function (see the Search User Guide for more information).

To configure the default user record form:

NOTE: The default user record form is used by all libraries within a consortium or collective. The form cannot be modified by individual libraries.

NOTE: The Language function on the Configure User Record screen is available only for those libraries, consortia or collectives that have purchased the optional multi-language functionality.

  1. From the User Admin menu, select Configure User Record.
    • The Configure User Record screen displays. The screen lists 23 preset data fields you may select to include in the default User Record form for your consortium or collective.

Configure User Record Screen

Configure User Record Screen

NOTE: The Username field (not included on the Configure User Record screen) is mandatory, and is always included in the User Record form.

  1. Use the Include and Required Field checkboxes to select the data fields you wish to include in the default User Record form.
    • A checkmark checkmark indicates the associated option is selected; an empty checkbox checkbox indicates the associated option is not selected. Clicking a checkbox repeatedly will toggle it on and off.
    • Select the Include checkbox for each “optional” data field you wish to include in the default User Record form.

      NOTE: The Password field is ALWAYS included, so no Include checkbox is shown for the Password field.

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    • Select the Required Field checkbox for each data field you wish to configure as a “mandatory entry” field.

      NOTE: If a data field is selected as a Required Field, a User Record cannot be saved unless data is entered in the field.

      NOTE: The Password field is ALWAYS required, so no Required Field checkbox is shown for the Password field.

  2. Use the Display to User and User Edit checkboxes to configure the User Record displayed to patrons or staff members using the Your Account function.
    • A checkmark checkmark indicates the associated option is selected; an empty checkbox checkbox indicates the associated option is not selected. Clicking a checkbox repeatedly will toggle it on and off.
    • Select the Display to User checkbox for each field that will be displayed to patrons or staff members when viewing their User Record using the Your Account function.
      • The Include checkbox must be selected for any field for which you have selected the Display to User checkbox.
    • Use the User Edit checkboxes to select the fields that may be edited by patrons or staff members when viewing their User Record using the Your Account function.
      • The Include and Display to User checkboxes must be selected for any field for which you have selected the User Edit checkbox.
  3. Use the Order menus to establish the order in which selected fields will be listed in the User Record.
    • Each Included field must be assigned a unique Order (display sequence) number.
  4. The Default Labels fields show the default names for the associated User Record fields. If desired, use the Your Labels text boxes to specify a different name for the associated field.
  5. When all desired information has been entered, click the Submit button to save your changes.
    • The screen refreshes to display your changes.

NOTE: If you assign the same Order (display sequence) to two or more fields, an error dialog displays the message “You cannot have 2 fields with the identical order” when you submit your changes. Click the OK button on the error dialog to close the dialog and return to the Configure User Record screen. Make sure each Included field has a unique Order (display sequence) number, then resubmit the form.

NOTE: If you select the Display to User, User Edit and/or Required Field checkbox(es) for a field for which the Include checkbox is not selected, an error dialog displays the message “(field name) - Include must be checked in order for others to be checked” when you submit your changes. Click the OK button on the error dialog to close the dialog and return to the Configure User Record screen. Select the Include checkbox, or unselected the Display to User, User Edit and/or Required Field checkbox(es) for the affected fields, as desired, then resubmit the form.

NOTE: If you select the User Edit for a field for which the Display to User checkbox is not selected, an error dialog displays the message “(field name) - If User Edit is Checked, then Display to User must also be checked” when you submit your changes. Click the OK button on the error dialog to close the dialog and return to the Configure User Record screen. Select the Display to User checkbox, or unselect the User Edit, checkbox for the affected fields, as desired, then resubmit the form.