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Managing Regional SuperUsers

When you add a new user and assign Regional SuperUser permissions (see Adding a User for details), the Add User Permissions - Library List screen displays. You must add the libraries with which the Regional SuperUser will be associated. The Select Libraries button displays the Library Selector screen. The screen shows a list of all libraries for your consortium or collective from which you may make library selections.

NOTE: When editing a User Record, the Library Selector is accessed using the Regional SuperUser - Select Libraries link from an active User Record.

To select libraries for a Regional SuperUser:

  1. Click the Select Libraries button on the Add User Permissions - Library List screen (when adding a new user) or click the Regional SuperUser - Select Libraries link on an active User Record (when editing an existing user).
    • The Library Selector screen displays in an additional browser window.

Library Selector Screen

Library Selector Screen

  1. Use the checkboxes to select the libraries for which the user can perform Global User Permissions Maintenance functions.
    • A checkmark checkmark indicates the user can perform Global User Permissions Maintenance functions for the associated library.
    • An empty checkbox checkbox indicates the user cannot perform Global User Permissions Maintenance functions for the associated library.
    • Clicking a checkbox repeatedly will toggle it on and off.
    • To select the checkboxes for all libraries, click the Select All link.
    • To deselect the checkboxes for all libraries, click the Deselect All link.
  2. When all desired library selections have been made, click the Submit button to save your changes.
    • The Library Selector closes automatically, and the previous screen refreshes to display your changes.