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Generating User Reports

The User Reports function lets you generate a customized listing of authenticated users for your library, based on the criteria you specify. Reports may be displayed on-screen, or downloaded (as a tab-delimited file) to a local workstation.

NOTE: Customer SuperUsers may generate user reports for any single library in the consortium or collective, or a combined report for all libraries in the consortium or collective (see Chapter 4, CUSTOMER SUPERUSER for details).

To generate a user report:

  1. From the User Admin menu, (see The User Admin Menu for details), select User Reports.
    • The User Reports screen displays.

User Reports Screen

User Reports Screen

  1. Select the desired current account status for users you wish included in the report from the Status menu; either Enabled, Disabled or Both.

    NOTE: Account status is set in the User Record for each authenticated user (patron or staff member).

    • The default selection for Status is Both.
  2. Select the desired sort order for the report from the Order By menu; either alphabetically by Last Name, alphabetically by Username, chronologically by Last Activity Date or alphabetically by Library Code.
    • The default value for Order By is Last Name.
  3. If desired, use the Last Activity Date text boxes to limit the report to users who last logged into the system on a specified day (or range of days).
    • Click the Date Entry Calendar button Date Entry Calendar icon to enter a Start date using the Date Entry Calendar (see the System Basics User Guide for details).
    • Click the Date Entry Calendar button Date Entry Calendar icon to enter a Stop date using the Date Entry Calendar (see the System Basics User Guide for details).
    • To limit the last activity date range to a single day, enter the same date in both the Start and Stop date text boxes.
  4. When all desired report parameters have been specified, click the Submit button to submit your report request.
    • The system generates an Extract Report file in .csv (comma separated value) format suitable for use with a "spreadsheet" application such as Microsoft Excel. An "Export to File" screen displays in an additional browser window or tab while the file is being created. A confirmation message displays when file creation is completed.
  5. To download the Extract Report to your local workstation:
    • Click the Save button on the “file download” screen to save the file to your workstation.
      • A File Download dialog displays.
    • Select the “save” option on the File Download dialog.
      • A standard Save As dialog displays.
    • Use the standard procedures for your web browser to save the file to your local workstation.
      • Click the Close button to close the “file download” screen.
      • Open the file using a suitable “spreadsheet” application such as Microsoft Excel (see Viewing User Reports for details).
  6. To close the “file download” screen without saving the Extract Report:
    • Click the Close button on the “file download” screen. An advisory dialog displays the message “Are you sure you want to close and lose any report information you chose?”
    • Click the Cancel button on the advisory dialog to close the dialog and return to the “file download” screen. (Click the OK button on the advisory dialog to close the dialog and the “file download” screen without saving the Extract Report.)