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Modifying Translate/Authority Preferences

NOTE: Translate/Authority Preferences are available only if your library has purchased the optional Translate/Authority module.

When you add a new user and assign CAT Staff permissions (see Adding a User for details), the Translate/Authority Preferences screen displays automatically when you submit the new user record. When you click the Edit Translate/Authority Preferences link on the Edit User Accounts screen (see Editing User Accounts for details), the Translate/Authority Preferences screen displays.

Translate/Authority Preferences Screen


Authority Preferences are used to configure the authority validation hierarchy for the user. The authority validation hierarchy determines the order in which authority records are searched during authority control processing (see the Authority Control User Guide for details). The validation hierarchy may include records from sources such as the Library of Congress, National Library of Canada, Medical Subject Headings, etc.

During authority control processing, the system searches authority records from the top of the validation hierarchy down, until a match is found. When a match for a bibliographic heading is found in an authority record at the top of the validation hierarchy, the bibliographic heading is flagged as “VALIDATED” and the remaining authority records are not searched.

Translate Preferences are used to enable or disable Translation functionality for the user.

NOTE: Translation functionality is not currently implemented.

  1. Use the Subject Authority (600-65X) Validation Hierarchy checkboxes to select the authority files you wish to use for “subject” validation.
    • A checkmark checkmark indicates the associated authority file will be used for subject validation.
    • An empty checkbox checkbox indicates the associated authority file will not be used for subject validation.
    • Clicking a checkbox repeatedly will toggle it on and off.
  2. If the Library of Congress Subject Headings option has been selected, use the Priority text boxes to specify the priority (order of preference) for the authority files listed, beginning with “1.”
    • You must enter a unique preference number in each Priority text box.
  3. Use the Name Authority Validation Hierarchy – Priority text boxes to specify the priority (order of preference) for the authority files listed, beginning with “1.”
    • You must enter a unique preference number in each Priority text box.
  4. When all desired changes to authority/translate preferences have been made, click the Submit button to save your changes.