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Resolving User Duplicate Check Results

The User Registration Duplicate Checking function aids in minimizing the occurrence of creating more than one user record for a given patron. When a user record is saved, the system compares new (and, optionally, edited) user records against all records in the user database to identify selected duplicate fields (username/barcode, patron name, address, birth date, and/or contact information) (see Configuring User Registration Duplicate Checking for details). In the event duplicate values are detected between the added/edited record and any other existing record in the user database, notification is provided to permit staff to determine the proper disposition for the new/edited record.

If duplicates are not found:

If duplicates are not found during the duplicate check, the User Duplicate Check Results dialog displays the message “No duplicates found after checking by (fields checked).”

User Duplicate Check Results – No Duplicates

User Duplicate Check Results – No Duplicates

If duplicates are found:

If duplicates are found during the duplicate check, the User Duplicate Check Results dialog displays lists of user records for each checked field in which duplicates were found. Each list identifies the field containing the duplicate value, and the content of the field. Each entry in the list(s) shows the Username, Full Name, Address, City, State, and Zip code taken from the user record in which the duplicate field was found.

User Duplicate Check Results –Duplicates Found

User Duplicate Check Results –Duplicates Found

User Record – Brief User Data

User Record – Brief User Data