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Adding Titles to a Selection List

The Title Manage function lets you add, edit and delete titles in Selection Lists.

To access Title Management:

  1. On the Selection List Setup screen, click the Title Manage link for the desired Selection List.
    • The Title Management screen for the selected list displays.

Title Management Screen

Title Management Screen

NOTE: When the Title Manage link is selected for a new Selection List, the Set Default Values for this Selection List screen displays (see Setting Defaults for Selection Lists for details).

  1. To re-sort the list, select the desired sort key from the Sort By menu; Title, Publisher, Author, Price or number of Copies.
  2. If desired, use the Include Previously Ordered checkbox to indicate whether or not the Title Management screen should display titles for which orders have already been created.
    • A checkmark checkmark indicates previously ordered items will be included in the Selection List.
    • An empty checkbox checkbox indicates previously ordered items will not be included in the Selection List.
    • Clicking the checkbox repeatedly will toggle the checkbox on and off.

    NOTE: The state of the Include Previously Ordered checkbox is saved with the Selection List (i.e., once selected, the checkbox will remain selected each time the list is accessed, until it is subsequently unselected).

  3. If desired, use the Order Items Previously Ordered checkbox to indicate whether or not new orders should be created for previously ordered titles.
    • A checkmark checkmark indicates orders will be created for previously ordered titles.
    • An empty checkbox checkbox indicates orders will not be created for previously ordered titles.
    • Clicking the checkbox repeatedly will toggle the checkbox on and off.

    NOTE: The state of the Order Items Previously Ordered checkbox is saved with the Selection List (i.e., once selected, the checkbox will remain selected each time the list is accessed, until it is subsequently unselected).

  4. The Add Titles to Selection List field provides the following options:
    • Search Catalog – Lets you locate titles in your library’s VERSO catalog(s) for addition to the Selection List (see Searching the Catalog for details).
    • Manual Entry – Lets you manually enter brief bibliographic data for the title you wish to add to the Selection List (see Manual Entry for details).
    • Upload MARC – Lets you upload MARC records for titles you wish to add to the Selection List (see Uploading MARC Records for details). Uploaded titles may then be added to the Selection List using the Search Catalog function (see Searching the Catalog for details).