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Uploading MARC Records

You can upload MARC records for titles you wish to add to the Selection List.

NOTE: If the MARC records to be uploaded include location and/or material type information, you can map the external locations (see MARC Location Mapping on page 28 for details) and material type (see MARC Material Type Mapping for details) to the corresponding values in your VERSO system. When location or material type information included in an uploaded record matches a defined location or material type map, the defined default location or material type (see Setting Defaults for Selection Lists for details) will be ignored, and the mapped location or material type will be used for the associated record.

To upload a MARC records file:

  1. From the Title Management screen for the desired Selection List (see Adding Titles to a Selection List for details), click the Upload MARC button.
    • The MARC Upload screen displays.

MARC Upload Screen

MARC Upload Screen

  1. If the MARC record to be uploaded includes special fields supported by specific vendors only, select the desired vendor from the Select a vendor with custom fields menu.
  2. Use the Always replace matched MARC records menu to indicate whether or not MARC records currently in your library’s catalog that match the record being uploaded should be replaced by the uploaded record; select Yes (matched MARC records are replaced) or No (matched MARC records are not replaced), as desired.
  3. Click the Upload a MARC file - Browse button to locate the MARC record you wish to upload.
    • A standard File Upload dialog displays.
    • Locate and select the desired file, then click the Open button.
      • The File Upload dialog closes, and the name of the selected file is shown next to the Browse button.
  4. Click the Submit button to upload the file.
    • The MARC Upload screen closes automatically, and the Title Management screen for the Selection List displays.
  5. Once the upload is complete, uploaded titles may then be added to the Selection List using the Search Catalog function (see Searching the Catalog for details).