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Creating and Editing Selection Lists

You can create a new Selection List or edit the name and other properties for an existing Selection List.

To create a new Selection List:

NOTE: All fields are mandatory.

  1. Click the Create New List button on the Selection Lists Setup screen.
    • The Selection List Edit screen displays.

Selection List Edit Screen

Selection List Edit Screen

  1. Enter a name for the Selection List in the List Name text box.
    • The List Name can be a maximum of 50 characters, including spaces.
  2. Enter the creation date for the Selection List in the Create Date text box.

    NOTE: The Create Date text box is pre-filled with the current calendar date by default.

    • Enter the Create Date using the format “MM/DD/YYYY”, i.e., “12/31/2014.”

    NOTE: Be sure to include the slashes “/” when entering the Create Date. Do not include alphabetic characters when entering the Create Date.

    • You may also click the Date Entry Calendar icon Date Entry Calendar icon next to the Create Date text box to select a Create Date using the Date Entry Calendar (see the System Basics User Guide for details).
  3. Enter the date on which the Selection List will expire in the Expire Date text box.
    • Enter the Expire Date using the format “MM/DD/YYYY”, i.e., “12/31/2014.”

    NOTE: Be sure to include the slashes “/” when entering the Expire Date. Do not include alphabetic characters when entering the Expire Date.

    • You may also click the Date Entry Calendar icon Date Entry Calendar icon next to the Expire Date text box to select an Expire Date using the Date Entry Calendar (see the System Basics User Guide for details).
  4. Select the desired status for the Selection List from the List Status menu; Building, Locked, Processed, or Marked for Deletion.
  5. Select the desired type for the list from the List Type menu; either Shared or Personal.

    NOTE: Any staff member with appropriate Acquisitions permissions can perform title management functions for a Shared Selection List. Only the list creator can perform title management functions for a Personal Selection List.

  6. When all required information has been entered, click the Submit button to save the Selection List.
    • The Selection List Edit screen closes, and the Selection List Setup screen refreshes to display the new Selection List.

NOTE: If you omit required information when creating the Selection List, an advisory message displays next to the required field(s) when you submit the form. Enter the necessary information, then click the Submit button to save your changes.

To edit an existing Selection List:

NOTE: You can edit Shared lists or lists that you have created. You cannot edit Personal lists created by other users.

  1. Click the Edit link for the desired list on the Selection Lists Setup screen.
    • The Selection List Edit screen for the selected list displays.
    • The screen is pre-filled with the current values for the Selection List.
  2. Edit the List Name, Create Date, Expire Date, List Status, and List Type, as appropriate.
  3. When all desired changes have been made, click the Submit button to save your changes.
  4. The Selection List Edit screen closes, and the Selection List Setup screen refreshes to display your changes.

NOTE: If you omit required information when editing the Selection List, an advisory message displays next to the required field(s) when you submit the form. Enter the necessary information, then click the Submit button to save your changes.