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Adding and Editing Currency Exchange Rates

You can add a new currency exchange rate or edit an existing currency exchange rate.

To add a new currency exchange rate:

  1. Click the Add New Currency link on the Currency Exchange Rates screen.
    • The Add/Edit Currency Exchange Rates screen displays.

Add/Edit Currency Exchange Rates Screen

Add/Edit Currency Exchange Rates Screen

  1. Enter the name of the currency for which you wish to add an exchange rate in the Currency text box.
  2. Enter the exchange rate for the currency in the Exchange Rate text box.
    • Enter the Exchange Rate as the ratio of one U.S. dollar against the associated currency (e.g., the amount of the associated Currency you would receive in exchange for one U.S. dollar).

      NOTE: You can specify the exchange rate up to six decimal places; e.g., “13.060012.”

  3. Click the Submit button to save the currency exchange rate to your library’s database.
    • The Add/Edit Currency Exchange Rates screen displays closes automatically, and the Currency Exchange Rates screen refreshes to display your changes.

To edit a new currency exchange rate:

  1. Click the Currency link for the exchange rate you wish to edit on the Currency Exchange Rates screen.
    • The Add/Edit Currency Exchange Rates screen for the selected currency displays.
    • The screen is pre-filled with the current values for the exchange rate.
  2. Edit the Currency name and current Exchange Rate, as desired.
  3. When all desired changes have been made, click the Submit button to save the currency exchange rate to your library’s database.
    • The Add/Edit Currency Exchange Rates screen displays closes automatically, and the Currency Exchange Rates screen refreshes to display your changes.