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Billing Address

The Billing Address function lets you create one or more billing addresses for use by the system. You can create a single billing address for use by all libraries, or multiple billing addresses (typically when each library uses its own unique billing address). You must add at least one billing address before creating Library Profiles (see Library Profiles Maintenance for details), or the Library Profiles will not save to the database when submitted.

To add a new billing address:

  1. From the Acquisitions menu, select File Maintenance - Billing Address.
    • The Billing Address screen displays. The screen lists all currently defined billing addresses.

Billing Address Screen

Billing Address Screen

  1. Click the Add New Billing Address link.
    • The Maintain Billing Addresses screen displays.

Maintain Billing Addresses Screen

Maintain Billing Addresses Screen

  1. Enter the library code and library name for the library for which the billing address is being created in the Address Code and Library Name text boxes.
  2. Enter the library’s billing address in the Address Line 1, Address Line 2, City, State and Zip text boxes.
  3. Enter contact information for the staff member responsible for billing activities in the Contact Email, Phone and Fax text boxes.
  4. When all desired information has been entered, click the Submit button to save the billing address.
    • The system returns to the Billing Address screen, with the new billing address added to the list.

To edit an existing billing address:

  1. From the Acquisitions menu, select File Maintenance - Billing Address.
    • The Billing Address screen displays. The screen lists all currently defined billing addresses.
  2. Click the Billing Address link for the address you wish to edit.
    • The Maintain Billing Address screen displays. The screen is pre-filled with the current information for the billing address.
  3. Edit the information as desired, then click the Submit button to save your changes.

To delete an existing billing address:

  1. From the Acquisitions menu, select File Maintenance - Billing Address.
    • The Billing Address screen displays. The screen lists all currently defined billing addresses.
  2. Click the Billing Address link for the address you wish to delete.
    • The Maintain Billing Address screen displays. The screen is pre-filled with the current information for the billing address.
  3. Delete the content from all fields on the Maintain Billing Address screen.
  4. Click the Submit button.
    • The system returns to the Billing Address screen, with the selected billing address removed from the list.