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Letter Maintenance

The Letter Maintenance function lets you generate “boilerplate” text for inclusion on system-generated letters used in support of Acquisitions functions.

To perform letter maintenance:

  1. From the Acquisitions menu, select File Maintenance - Letter Maintenance.
    • The Edit Letter Text screen displays.

Edit Letter Text Screen

Edit Letter Text Screen

  1. Enter the text to be included in the system-generated Order Letter included with each order you create using the Acquisitions module in the Order Letter Text text box.
  2. Enter the text to be included in system generated Claim Notices for items ordered through the Acquisitions module that have not been received in the Claim Letter Text text box.
  3. Enter the text to be included in system-generated Cancellation Letters when an order placed through the Acquisitions module is cancelled in the Cancel Letter Text text box.
  4. When all desired letter text has been entered, click the Submit button to save your changes.
    • The system returns to the Staff Dashboard.