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MARC Material Type Mapping

The MARC Material Type Mapping function lets you map material type data contained in MARC records to be uploaded to a Selection List to the appropriate material types used by your library. You may also edit the parameters for an existing material type map or delete an existing material type map from the material type table.

To add a material type map:

  1. From the Acquisitions menu, select File Maintenance – MARC Material Type Mapping.
    • The Define ACQ Material Type Table screen displays.

Define ACQ Material Type Table Screen

Define ACQ Material Type Table Screen

  1. Click the New button to define a new mapped material type.
    • The Define ACQ Material Types Mapping screen displays in an additional browser window.

Define ACQ Material Types Mapping Screen

Define ACQ Material Types Mapping Screen

  1. Define the External Material Type Name (the material type specified in the records to be imported) for the location map:
    • Select the appropriate matching criteria from the External Location Name menu, as follows:
      • Equal to – a positive match will be determined if the external location is an exact match to the specified text string.
    • Enter the text string against which the match will be made in the External Material Type Name text box.
  2. Select the internal material type that should be applied to records that are a positive match to the specified External Material Type Name from the Material (Format) Mapping menu.
    • The Material (Format) Mapping menu lists all currently defined material types for your system.
  3. When all appropriate information has been entered, click the Submit button to save the material type map.
    • The Define ACQ Material Types Mapping screen closes automatically, and the Define ACQ Material Type Table screen refreshes to display your changes.
  4. Repeat steps 2 through 5 to define additional material type maps.

To edit a material type map:

  1. From the Acquisitions menu, select File Maintenance – MARC Material Type Mapping.
    • The Define ACQ Material Type Table screen displays.
  2. Click the External Name link for the material type map you wish to edit.
    • The Define ACQ Material Types Mapping screen for the selected material type map displays in an additional browser window.
  3. Edit the parameters for the material type map as desired.
  4. When all desired changes to the material type map have been made, click the Submit button to save your changes.
    • The Define ACQ Material Types Mapping screen closes automatically, and the Define ACQ Material Type Table screen refreshes to display your changes.
  5. Repeat steps 2 through 4 to edit additional material type maps.

To delete a material type map:

  1. From the Acquisitions menu, select File Maintenance – MARC Material Type Mapping.
    • The Define ACQ Material Type Table screen displays.
  2. Click the Delete link for the material type map you wish to delete.
    • A confirmation dialog displays the message “Are you sure you want to delete this record?”
  3. Click the OK button to delete the material type map. (Click the Cancel button to cancel the deletion and leave the material type map unchanged.)
    • The Define ACQ Material Type Table screen refreshes with the deleted material type map removed from the list.
  4. Repeat steps 2 and 3 to delete additional material type maps.