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Acquisitions Configuration

The Acquisitions Configuration function lets you set the Default Fiscal Year used by the Acquisitions module, set the Fund Edit Password and Invoice Edit Password that must be entered prior to editing funds or invoices, and view and configure “user-selectable” operating parameters for your library’s configuration of the Acquisitions module.

To configure the Acquisitions module:

  1. From the Acquisitions menu, select File Maintenance - Acquisitions Configuration.
    • The Acquisitions Configuration screen displays.

Acquisitions Configuration Screen

Acquisitions Configuration Screen

  1. Enter the default fiscal year to be used by the Acquisitions module in the Default Fiscal Year text box.
  2. Enter the passwords that must be provided prior to editing funds or invoices in the Fund Edit Password and Invoice Edit Password text boxes, respectively.
  3. Select the desired default search index when using the Search Catalog function during ordering (see Placing Orders for details) or selection list title management (see Chapter 4, Selection Lists for details) from the Set default search index menu; All Headings, Author, Title, Subject, A G Control Number, ISBN, ISSN, LCCN or Publisher Number.
  4. If desired, choose the Selection List to which items declared as “lost” through the Circulation module will be automatically added by the system from the Selection List Name for Lost Books menu.

    NOTE: Items declared as “lost” through “batch” processing and items declared as “claimed returned” through the Circulation module will not be added to the list.

    • The Selection List Name for Lost Books menu shows the names of all currently active Selection Lists.
    • When a value is chosen from the Selection List Name for Lost Books menu, bibliographic data for items declared as “lost” through the Circulation module is automatically added to the Selection List by the system, with the following default values defined for the list:
      • Vendor – the Default Vendor specified through Acquisitions Configuration
      • Branch / Location – these fields are left blank
      • Quantity – set to 1
      • Price – set to 0.00
      • Fiscal Year – set to the Default Fiscal Year specified through Acquisitions Configuration
      • Fund – this field is left blank
      • Material Type – value taken from the item record for the lost item
      • Note – includes the note “Added from Circulation Lost Item (patron name)”
    • If you do not wish to automatically add items declared as “lost” to a Selection list, select <None> from the Selection List Name for Lost Books menu.
  5. Use the Add records to database checkboxes to indicate whether or not Bibliographic and/or Item records should be added to the database automatically for items ordered through Acquisitions.

    NOTE: The Bibliographic checkbox sets the default state for the Add Bibliographic Records to Catalog option on the Ordering Items screen (see Completing the Order for details). The Item checkbox sets the default state for the Create Holding Record option on the Item Detail Add/Edit screen once a bibliographic record for the ordered item has been added to the catalog (see Completing the Order on page 48 for details).

    • A checkmark checkmark indicates the associated record type will be added to the catalog (the checkbox for the associated option is selected by default).
    • An empty checkbox checkbox indicates that the associated record type will not be added to the catalog (the associated option is unselected by default).
    • Clicking a checkbox repeatedly will toggle the checkbox on and off.
  6. Use the Enter item/barcode during receiving process checkbox to enable or disable access to the Set Defaults for Item Conversion screen (see Setting Defaults for Item Conversion for details) during Receive processing.
    • A checkmark checkmark indicates the Set Defaults for Item Conversion screen can be accessed during Receive processing.
    • An empty checkbox checkbox indicates the Set Defaults for Item Conversion screen cannot be accessed during Receive processing.
    • Clicking the checkbox repeatedly will toggle the checkbox on and off.
  7. Use the Set default item status on receive menu to specify the item exception value applied to items upon receipt (see Receiving an Order for details). The selected value also serves as the default selection for the Status menu on the Set Defaults for Item Conversion screen (see Setting Defaults for Item Conversion for details).

    NOTE: The Set default item status on receive menu lists all user-defined item exception values configured through the Circulation Administration module  (see the Circulation Administration User Guide for details) as well as the system-defined values In Process and On Order.

  8. Use the Alert when received item has holds checkbox to indicate whether or not an alert should be displayed on receipt of an item for which there are active holds.
    • A checkmark checkmark indicates an alert will be displayed upon receiving an item with active holds.
    • An empty checkbox checkbox indicates an alert will not be displayed upon receiving an item with active holds.
    • Clicking the checkbox repeatedly will toggle the checkbox on and off.

    NOTE: If your library is a member of a consortium, and you wish to receive alerts when receiving an item with active holds for your library only, select the Alert for my library's holds only checkbox.

  9. Use the Allow manual orders checkbox to indicate whether or not the Manual Entry option will be available during ordering (see Placing Orders for details) or selection list title management (see Selection Lists for details).
    • A checkmark checkmark indicates the Manual Entry option will be available during ordering or selection list title management.
    • An empty checkbox checkbox indicates the Manual Entry option will not be available during ordering or selection list title management.
    • Clicking the checkbox repeatedly will toggle the checkbox on and off.
  10. Select the default material type for ordered items from the Default Material Type menu.
    • The Default Material Type menu lists all material types defined for your library through the Circulation Administration module (see the Circulation Administration User Guide for details).
  11. Click the Select link for the default vendor to which orders will be submitted from the Default Vendor list.
    • The Default Vendor list shows all vendors for which vendor records have been defined (see Vendor Maintenance for details).

      NOTE: If no vendor records have been defined, the Default Vendor list shows the message “No Vendors Found.”

  12. When all default values have been specified, click the Submit button to save your changes.