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Organization of the Guide

This User Guide is designed to provide an overview of the features and functions of VERSO Acquisitions. The User Guide is divided into nine chapters, as follows:

Chapter 1 – INTRODUCTION. This chapter explains how to prepare to use Acquisitions. The chapter includes hardware/software requirements, system availability, and system Login and Logoff.

Chapter 2 – FILE MAINTENANCE. This chapter describes file maintenance functions, including maintenance of vendor records; creation of order, claim and cancel letters; maintenance of library profiles for each library branch; maintenance of currency exchange rates, maintenance of branch distribution lists and configuration of default parameters for the Acquisitions module.

Chapter 3 – FUND ACCOUNT MAINTENANCE. This chapter describes fund account maintenance functions, including the creation and maintenance of fund accounts and fund categories.

Chapter 4 – SELECTION LISTS. This chapter describes the functions associated with the creation and maintenance of selection lists.

Chapter 5 – ORDERING. This chapter describes ordering functions, including placing orders, editing orders, canceling orders, viewing order status, batch processing, and printing purchase orders.

Chapter 6 – RECEIVING. This chapter describes the functions associated with receiving ordered items.

Chapter 7 – CLAIMING. This chapter describes claiming functions for items ordered but not received, including extracting and reviewing claims, and printing claim letters.

Chapter 8 – INVOICE AND PAYMENTS. This chapter describes the functions associated with processing invoices and making payments.

Chapter 9 – REPORTS. This chapter describes the functions associated with generating, viewing and downloading Acquisitions reports.