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Chapter 5. ORDERING



Printing Purchase Orders

The Print Purchase Orders function lets you print purchase orders for orders scheduled for “paper” delivery, and view purchase orders for orders scheduled for email or EDI delivery.

To print purchase orders:

  1. From the Acquisitions menu, select Order - Print Purchase Orders.
    • The Print / Send Purchase Orders screen displays. The screen shows a chronological list of all orders created under your user account added to the batch file during the previous one-month period, according to the date and time at which the order was added to the file.

Print / Send Purchase Orders Screen

Print / Send Purchase Orders Screen

  1. To re-sort the list, select the desired sort order from the Sort By menu; PO Timestamp (newest purchase orders first), Staff Person, PO Number, Type, Vendor or Number of Titles.
  2. Use the Display radio buttons to specify which orders should be shown in the list:

    NOTE: The My Purchase Orders radio button is selected by default.

    • Select the My Purchase Orders radio button to limit the list to only those purchase orders created by your account.
    • Select the All Purchase Orders radio button to view purchase orders created by all staff members.
  3. To set a date range for the purchase orders list:
    • Enter the Start Date and End Date for the time period for which you wish to view purchase orders using the format “MM/DD/YYYY”, e.g., “01/01/2014.”
      • You may also click the Date Entry Calendar icon Date Entry Calendar icon next to the Start Date and End Date text boxes to select a Start Date and End Date using the Date Entry Calendar (see the System Basic User Guide for details).

        NOTE: If you enter an End Date that is earlier than the specified Start Date, the message “End Date must be greater than Start Date.” displays. Enter an End Date that is later than the specified Start Date.

    • Click the Set Date Range button.
      • The screen refreshes to display orders added to the batch file during the specified date range.
  4. Click a Print link to open a formatted version of the associated purchase order for printing.
    • The formatted purchase order displays in an additional browser tab of window.
  5. Click a View link to view a formatted version of purchase orders sent via email or EDI X.12 transmission.
    • The formatted purchase order displays in an additional browser tab of window.

To delete printed purchase orders:

  1. From the Acquisitions menu, select Order - Print Purchase Orders.
    • The Print / Send Purchase Orders screen displays.
  2. If necessary, use the Display radio buttons and date range (Start Date and End Date) text boxes as described above to locate the purchase order(s) you wish to delete.
  3. Use the checkboxes in the Delete Checked column to select the purchase orders you wish to delete.
    • A checkmark checkmark indicates the associated purchase order will be deleted.
    • An empty checkbox checkbox indicates the associated purchase order will not be deleted.
    • Clicking a checkbox repeatedly will toggle it on and off.
    • Click the Check All link to select the checkboxes for all purchase orders in the list.
    • Click the Uncheck All link to unselect the checkboxes for all purchase orders in the list.
  4. When all desired purchase orders have been selected for deletion, click the Delete Checked link.
    • The screen refreshes with the selected purchase orders removed from the list.