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Chapter 5. ORDERING



Adding Orders to the Batch File

The Add Orders to Batch function lets you schedule orders for addition to the batch file for subsequent printing and/or automatic delivery via email or EDI X.12 transmission (see Printing Purchase Orders for details). You may also select to delete orders previously added to the batch file from the list.

To add orders to the batch file:

  1. From the Acquisitions menu, select Order - Add Orders to Batch.
    • The Add Orders to Batch screen displays. The screen shows a chronological list of all orders prepared by your library, according to the date and time at which the order was submitted.

Add Orders to Batch Screen

Add Orders to Batch Screen

  1. To re-sort the list, select the desired sort order from the Sort By menu; Library Staff, Number of Titles, Submit Time, Vendor, PO Delivery or PO Comment.
  2. Use the Display radio buttons to specify which orders should be shown in the list:
    • Select the My Orders radio button to limit the list to only those orders created by your account.
    • Select the All Orders radio button to view orders created by all staff members for your library.
  3. Select Order Selected Lines from the Action menu.
  4. Use the checkbox associated with each order to select the orders you wish to add to the batch file.
    • A checkmark checkmark indicates the associated order will be added to the batch file.
    • An empty checkbox checkbox indicates that the associated order will not be added to the batch file.
    • Clicking a checkbox repeatedly will toggle the checkbox on and off.
    • Click the Check All link to select the checkboxes for all orders on the screen.
    • Click the Clear All link to de-select the checkboxes for all orders on the screen.
  5. Use the Run at options to specify the date and time at which you wish the selected orders to be added to the batch file:
    • Enter the date on which you wish orders to be added to the batch file in the Run At text box. Enter the Run At date using the format “MM/DD/YYYY”, e.g., “12/31/2023.”

    NOTE: Be sure to include the slashes “/” when entering the Start Date. Do not include alphabetic characters when entering the Start Date.

    • You may also click the Date Entry Calendar icon Date Entry Calendar icon next to the Start Date text box to select a Start Date using the Date Entry Calendar (see the System Basics User Guide for details).
    • Select the time of day you wish orders to be added to the batch file using the “hour” and “minute” menus.
    • Alternately, if you wish orders to be added to the batch file immediately, select the Run Now checkbox.
  6. Click the Submit button to add the selected orders to the batch file according to the specified Run At options.
    • The confirmation message “Background order process started. Press ‘Submit’ again to continue.” displays. Click the Submit button again to continue. The Order Selection screen displays.

When orders are added to the batch file, the following actions occur:

To delete orders from the orders list:

NOTE: An order should be deleted from the orders list only after the order has been added to the batch file and processing is completed.

  1. From the Acquisitions menu, select Order - Add Orders to Batch.
    • The Add Orders to Batch screen displays. The screen shows a chronological list of all orders prepared by your library, according to the date and time at which the order was submitted.
    • Each line in the list shows the name of the Library Staff member that prepared the order, the # of Titles in the order, the date and time the order was submitted (Submit Time), the Vendor to whom the purchase order will be submitted, the PO Delivery method (Paper, Email, EDI), and any notes (PO Comment) included with the purchase order.
  2. To re-sort the list, select the desired sort order from the Sort By menu; Library Staff, Number of Titles, Submit Time, Vendor, PO Delivery or PO Comment.
  3. Use the Display radio buttons to specify which orders should be shown in the list:
    • Select the My Orders radio button to limit the list to only those orders created by your account.
    • Select the All Orders radio button to view orders created by all staff members for your library.
  4. Select Delete Selected Lines from the Action menu.
  5. Use the checkbox associated with each order to select the orders you wish to delete from the orders list.
    • A checkmark checkmark indicates the associated order will be deleted from the orders list.
    • An empty checkbox checkbox indicates that the associated order will not be deleted from the orders list.
    • Clicking a checkbox repeatedly will toggle the checkbox on and off.
    • Click the Check All link to select the checkboxes for all orders on the screen.
    • Click the Clear All link to de-select the checkboxes for all orders on the screen.
  6. When all desired orders have been selected for deletion, click the Submit button.
    • A confirmation dialog displays the message “Are you sure you want to delete these items from this list?”
  7. Click the OK button on the dialog to delete the selected orders from the list. (Click the Cancel button to cancel the deletion and retain the selected orders in the list.)
    • The confirmation dialog closes, and the screen refreshes with the selected orders removed from the list.