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Checking In an ILL Item

Check in of an item received through interlibrary loan is performed in a manner similar to that for any item held by your library.

To check in an ILL item:

  1. Select Checkin from the Circulation menu.
    • The Item Checkin screen displays.

Item Checkin Screen

Item Checkin Screen

  1. If desired, use the Change Checkin Date text box to change the checkin date.

    NOTE: By default, the check in date is set to the current calendar date.

    • Enter the desired checkin date in the Change Checkin Date text box.
    • Enter the desired date using the format MM/DD/YYYY, i.e., “12/31/2018.”

      NOTE: Be sure to include the slashes “/” when entering the checkin date. Do not include alphabetic characters when entering the checkin date.

      • You may also click the Date Entry Calendar icon Date Entry Calendar icon next to the date entry text box to select a checkin date using the Date Entry Calendar (see the System Basics User Guide for details).

      NOTE: When changing the checkin date, you must select a date prior to the current calendar date. If you select a date subsequent to the current calendar date, an advisory dialog displays the message “Selecting a date in the future is not allowed please select a date prior to today.” Click the OK button to close the dialog and enter a valid date in the Change Checkin Date text box.

    • If you wish to use the new checkin date for subsequent check ins, select the Remember Checkin Date checkbox.
      • A checkmark checkmark indicates the new checkin date will be used for subsequent check ins.
      • An empty checkbox checkbox indicates the new checkin date will not be used for subsequent check ins.
      • Clicking the checkbox repeatedly will toggle it on and off.
  2. Enter the title or barcode of the item in the Enter Title or Barcode text box.
    • When entering a barcode, enter the complete barcode.
    • If your library has enabled searching by partial barcode (see the Circulation Administration User Guide for details), you may enter a complete or partial barcode.
    • When entering a title, you may enter a complete or partial title.

      NOTE: When entering a partial title, do not skip words. For example, when searching for "Gone with the Wind", you may enter "gone with" as your search term; you may not enter "gone wind".

  3. Click the Submit button.
    • If you entered a title, a list of titles matching your search criteria displays.
      • Click the desired Title link to display a list of items for the selected title.
      • Click the Check it in link for the desired item. The Item Checkin screen refreshes to display the checkin details.

Item Checkin Confirmation Screen

Item Checkin Confirmation Screen