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Requesting a Renewal

NOTE: Renewals for ILL items cannot be requested through the Circulation module. Renewals must be requested through the ILL Administration module.

To request a renewal for an ILL item:

  1. Select Request Manager from the ILL Admin menu.
    • The Request Manager screen displays.
  2. Select the Received link in the Manage Borrower Requests - Action Items field.
    • The Received Status Browse List displays.
  3. Select Renewal from the Status menu for the title for which you wish to request a renewal.
  4. Click the Submit button to submit your renewal request.
    • Status for the ILL request is set to Lender’s Renew Pending.
      • If the renewal request is accepted by the lender, the status of the request is set to Borrower’s Accepted Renewal, and the due date for the item is adjusted accordingly.
      • If the renewal request is not accepted by the lender, the status of the request is set to Borrower’s Rejected Renewal, and the original due date for the item is retained.

        NOTE: If the lending library has specified a Renewal Denied Grace Period in their ILL Circulation Options (see Setting ILL Circulation Options, the specified number of grace days are added to the original due date when a request for renewal is rejected.

      • If the lender selects to recall the item, the status of the request is set to Borrower’s Recalled.