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Shipping a Requested Item

Once you are ready to fill the ILL request, you must supply the barcode of the item with which you will fill the request (see Checking Shelf Status for details) and change the status of the request to Shipped.

NOTE: If you will not be filling the request, or will be filling the request at a later date, you must change the status of the request accordingly (refer to the ILL Administration User Guide for more information).

NOTE: The status of Non-Returnable (copy) requests may be updated to Shipped status from the Pending Status Browse List (see Changing ILL Request Status for details). The status of Returnable (loan) requests can be updated to Shipped only from the Full Record Display for the request, as described below.

To ship a requested item:

  1. From the Request Manager screen (see Using the Request Manager for details), click the link for the status category you wish to view.
    • A browse list of all in-process ILL requests in the selected status category displays. The list is arranged alphabetically by title, and includes current status information.
  2. Click the Title link for the request for which you wish to ship the requested item.
    • The Full Record Display for the selected request displays.
  3. Select Shipped from the Status menu.
  4. Enter the barcode of the item with which you will fill the request in the Item Barcode (Lender) text box.
  5. Click the Submit button to change the status of the requests and return to the current status browse list.
    • The message “Request Number (request number) has been updated” displays at the top of the screen. The system automatically checks the selected item out to the borrowing library (see Understanding User Records for Borrower Libraries for details) and sets the status of the item in the Circulation module to Checked Out.