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Checking Shelf Status

The Lender’s Full Record Display includes a Check OPAC button that lets you check the availability and shelf status of items for which you have received ILL requests, and to locate the Barcode for the item with which you will fill the request.

NOTE: The Check OPAC button is not shown on Full Record Displays for requests with a status of Returned.

To check shelf status:

  1. From the Request Manager screen (see Using the Request Manager for details), click the link for the status category you wish to view.
    • A browse list of all in-process ILL requests in the selected status category displays. The list is arranged alphabetically by title, and includes current status information.
  2. Click the Title link for the request you wish to view.
    • The Full Record Display for the selected request displays.
  3. Click the Check OPAC button to view shelf status for the title.
    • The Shelf Status screen displays in an additional browser window. The Shelf Status screen shows a listing of all copies of the requested title held by your library.

Full Record Display With Shelf Status Screen

Full Record Display With Shelf Status Screen

NOTE: If no matching records are found, the message “No holdings were found using Cal Number (call number) and Title (title)” displays.

  1. Copy or note the Barcode of the item with which you will fill the request.
  2. Close the Shelf Status screen to return to the previous Full Record Display.