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Adding a Brief Record

In the event a bibliographic record for an item in your library’s collection does not exist in your library’s database, you can add a brief record for the item from the Circulation module. The Add Brief Record function is available on the Item Not Found screen during checkout, or by selecting Add Brief Record from the Circulation menu.

To add a brief record from Circulation:

  1. From an Item Not Found screen or Searching by Title screen, click the Add Brief Record button; or, select Add Brief Record from the Circulation menu.
    • The Add Brief Record screen displays.

Add Brief Record from Circulation Screen

Add Brief Record from Circulation Screen

  1. Use the Auto Delete at Checkin checkbox to indicate whether or not the brief record should be automatically deleted by the system when the associated item is checked in.
    • A checkmark checkmark indicates the brief record will be automatically deleted by the system when the associated item is checked in.
    • An empty checkbox checkbox indicates the associated record will not be automatically deleted by the system when the associated item is checked in.
    • Clicking the checkbox repeatedly will toggle it on and off.

      NOTE: The default state for the Auto Delete at Checkin checkbox (selected or de-selected) is established through the Circulation Administration module (see the Circulation Administration User Guide for details).

  2. Enter brief bibliographic data for the item:
    • Enter the Title, Author, ISBN, Barcode and Item Call # in the appropriate text boxes.
      • Fields shown in red are mandatory. All other fields are optional.
    • Select the desired library location for the item from the Location drop-down menu.
      • The Location menu lists all locations/collections currently defined for your library.
    • Select the desired material type for the item from the MaterialType drop-down menu.
      • The MaterialType menu lists all material types currently defined for your library.
    • Select the desired status for the item from the Status drop-down menu.
      • The Status menu lists all item exceptions currently defined for your library.
  3. When all desired information has been entered, click the Submit button to add the title to your library’s database.
    • If the brief record was added from an Item Not Found screen during checkout, the system returns to the Checkout page of the previous Patron Checkout, Status & Reserves screen, with the added title checked out to the current patron.

NOTE: It will be necessary to edit the brief record at a future date using the AGCat Cataloging Client to enter complete bibliographic data for the item (see the AGCat Client User Guide for details).