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Applying “Fixed” Due Dates to Checkout Transactions

The “fixed due dates” feature allows libraries to configure a “fixed” due date (that overrides the “calculated” due date based on currently established Circulation Parameters) for checkout transactions. This functionality is intended primarily for use in scholastic implementations to support application of a “fixed” due date based on end of semester, end of school year, etc., and eliminates the need for “manual” adjustment of due dates on a “checkout-by-checkout” basis. Availability of “fixed” due dates functionality is managed through the Circulation Administration module (see the Circulation Administration User Guide for more information).

If your library has enabled “fixed due dates” functionality, the Patron Search screen (displayed when Patron Status & Checkout is selected from the Circulation menu) includes a Fixed Due Date for All Items Checked-Out field that lets you configure a “fixed” due date.

To set a “fixed due date” for checkout transactions:

  1. From the Circulation menu (see The Circulation Menu for details), select Patron Status & Checkout.
    • The Patron Search screen displays.

Patron Search Screen

Patron Search Screen

  1. Specify the period during which you wish the “fixed” due date to be applied by selecting the appropriate radio button:
    • None –the due date for all checkout transactions will be calculated using the currently established Circulation Parameters.
    • Permanent – the “fixed” due date will be applied permanently, until subsequently changed or disabled (set to None).
    • Today Only – the “fixed” due date will be applied to checkout transactions for the current calendar day only.
  2. When the Permanent or Today Only radio button is selected, a “date entry” text box displays. Click the Date Entry Calendar icon Date Entry Calendar icon next to the Fixed Due Date for All Items Checked-Out text box to select the desired “fixed” due date using the Date Entry Calendar (see the System Basics User Guide for details).
    • The message “All items checked out today will be due in (number of days) days” displays.

NOTE: If you enter a date that has already passed, the message “Date has already passed” displays. Enter a new date in the Fixed Due Date for All Items Checked-Out text box and save your changes.