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Applying “Future” Checkout Dates to Checkout Transactions

Currently, libraries offering curbside pickup may check out items to patrons one or more days before curbside pickup takes place to allow staff time to pull, sort, label, and prepare items for pickup, and to notify patrons when items are available. In such cases, one or more days of the loan period will expire before the item can be picked up by the patron.

The “future checkout date” feature allows library staff to set the checkout date recorded by the system to a date up to seven days in the future to ensure the patron is afforded the full loan period for the item.

To set a “future checkout date” for checkout transactions:

  1. From the Circulation menu (see The Circulation Menu for details), select Patron Status & Checkout.
    • The Patron Search screen displays.

Patron Search Screen

Patron Search Screen

  1. Click the Date Entry Calendar icon Date Entry Calendar icon next to the Future Checkout Date text box to select the desired “future” checkout date using the Date Entry Calendar (see the System Basics User Guide for details).
    • You can select a Future Checkout Date from one to seven days from the current calendar date.
  2. Use the Remember Checkout Date checkbox to specify the time period for which the specified Future Checkout Date will be used:
    • A checkmark checkmark indicates the Future Checkout Date will be used for all checkout transactions for the current calendar day.
    • An empty checkbox checkbox indicates the Future Checkout Date will be used for all checkout transactions for the current checkout session only.
    • Clicking the checkbox repeatedly will toggle it on and off.