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Assessing Fees

You can assess a new fee against a patron for library services. You may enter either standard fees or non-standard fees.

To assess a fee:

To assess a standard fee:

  1. On the Payments/Fines History screen, select Fee from the Transaction Type menu.
  2. Click the Choose a standard fee link.
    • The Standard Fees dialog displays.

Standard Fees Dialog

Standard Fees Dialog

NOTE: The Standard Fees dialog lists all standard fees currently defined for your library. Standard fees are defined in the Circulation Administration module (see the Circulation Administration User Guide for details).

  1. Select the radio button for the desired fee from the Standard Fees dialog.
    • The Standard Fees dialog closes automatically, and the amount for the selected standard fee is entered in the Transaction Amount text box automatically.

      NOTE: If you do not wish to select a standard fee, click the Close button or the X button to close the dialog.

      • If necessary, you may edit the Transaction Amount if multiple instances of the same standard fee are to be levied (for example; if the standard fee established for copy services is for a single page and five copies are provided to the patron).
    • A description of the selected standard fee is entered in the Comments text box automatically. Enter any additional comments in the Comments text box, as desired.
    • If you wish to change the currently selected standard fee, click the Change standard fee link to select a new fee from the Standard Fees dialog.
  2. Click the Submit button to complete the fee assessment.
    • The message “Transaction Saved” displays briefly at the top of the screen.
    • The Payments/Fines History screen refreshes with the fee added to the list.
    • The Current Balance field on the Payments/Fines History screen refreshes to reflect the transaction. If desired, you may print a receipt for the transaction (see Printing Fine/Fee Transaction Receipts for more information).

To assess a non-standard fee:

  1. On the Payments/Fines History screen, select Fee from the Transaction Type menu.
  2. Enter the amount of the fee in the Transaction Amount text box.

    NOTE: DO NOT include the dollar sign "$" when entering the Transaction Amount. DO NOT include commas "," in the Transaction Amount.

  3. Enter any comments for the transaction in the Comments text box, as desired.
  4. Click the Submit button to complete the fee assessment.
    • The message “Transaction Saved” displays briefly at the top of the screen.
    • The Payments/Fines History screen refreshes with the fee added to the list.
    • The Current Balance field on the Payments/Fines History screen refreshes to reflect the transaction. If desired, you may print a receipt for the transaction (see Printing Fine/Fee Transaction Receipts for more information).

To assess an item adjustment:

NOTE: Item adjustments must be applied against one or more specific items.

  1. On the Payments/Fines History screen, select Item Adjustment +Add from the Transaction Type menu.
  2. Scroll the Payments/Fines History to locate the item for which you wish to enter an adjustment.
  3. Enter the amount to be assessed in the Amount Paid text box for the desired item.

    NOTE: DO NOT include the dollar sign "$" when entering the Amount Paid. DO NOT include commas "," in the Amount Paid.

    • You may enter the Amount Paid in whole dollars (i.e., "1") or in dollars and cents (i.e., "1.00").
  4. Enter any comments related to the adjustment, such as a description of the adjustment, in the Comment text box.
  5. Click the Submit button to complete the item adjustment.
    • The message “Transaction Saved” displays briefly at the top of the screen.
    • The Payments/Fines History screen refreshes with the adjustment added to the associated item.

    NOTE: The adjustment is shown in the Amount Paid field as a negative value (i.e., “$-1.00.”

    • The Current Balance field on the Payments/Fines History screen refreshes to reflect the transaction. If desired, you may print a receipt for the transaction (see Printing Fine/Fee Transaction Receipts for more information).