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Viewing Fines History

You can view the fines history for the current patron. You can also choose to delete fines history for the current patron.

To view the fines history:

  1. From the Patron Status & Checkout screen for the desired patron, click the Payments/Fines History button.
    • The Payments/Fines History screen displays.
    • The Payments/Fines History screen shows the currently active fines/fees transactions (fines/fees assessed and payments made) for the patron, in reverse-chronological order.

    NOTE: The period for which Payments/Fines History is displayed is established in the Circulation Administration module (see the Circulation Administration User Guide for details).

    • Each line in the list shows the Date on which the fine or fee was assessed, the Type of transaction, the transaction Comments (description of the fine/fee, or title of the item against which fines were assessed), the fine Rate (for recurring fines such as “overdue” fines), the total Amount of the fine or fee, the Amount Paid to date, and the remaining Amount Due (Amount minus Amount Paid). If a fine was assessed against an overdue or lost item, including those declared lost using the Remove Overdue Items report (see the Circulation Reports User Guide for more information), the Last Checkout/ Renew Date and Due Date for the item are also included, along with the Checkout Library (the library location from which the item against which fines are assessed was checked out).
    • Click a link in the Amount Paid field to display the Partial Payment History screen for the associated fine/fee.

Partial Payment History Screen

Partial Payment History Screen

  • The Partial Payment History screen shows a listing of all payments made against the associated fine/fee. Each line in the listing shows any Comments entered at the time of the transaction, the amount paid (Amt. Pd.), the payment Method, the date and time at which the payment was made (Date Paid), the Owning Library of the item against which fines were assessed, the Checkout Library (the library location from which the item was checked out to the patron), the library location at which the payment was made (Paid At) and the name of the staff member that processed the payment (Accepted By).

    NOTE: In cases where funds placed on Deposit are used by the system to pay fines and fees incurred prior to the deposit (see Processing Payments for more information), the Comments field shows the message “Paid using previous deposit balance of (amount).”

  • Click the Close button to close the Partial Payment History screen and return to the Payments/Fines History screen.
  1. To display complete Payments/Fines History, select Show All from the drop-down menu in the upper right corner of the screen.
    • The Payments/Fines History screen refreshes to show the complete Payments/Fines History record for the patron (fines/fees assessed and payments/deposits made).
  2. To display recent Payments/Fines History, select Show Recent from the drop-down menu in the upper right corner of the screen.
    • The Payments/Fines History screen refreshes to show the recent Payments/Fines History record for the patron (fines/fees assessed and payments/deposits made).
  3. To return to the currently due Payments/Fines History, select Show Active from the drop-down menu in the upper right corner of the screen.
  4. Click the Close button to close the Payments/Fines History screen and return to the Patron Status & Checkout screen.

To delete fines history:

NOTE: When deleting fines history, history is deleted from the earliest recorded transaction to a specified cutoff date.

  1. From the Patron Status & Checkout screen for the desired patron, click the Payments/Fines History button.
    • The Payments/Fines History screen for the current patron displays.
    • The Payments/Fines History screen shows the currently active fines/fees transactions (fines/fees assessed and payments made) for the patron, in reverse-chronological order.
  2. If desired, select Show All from the drop-down menu in the upper right corner of the screen to view the complete fines Payments/Fines History record for the patron.
  3. Click the Date Entry Calendar icon Date Entry Calendar icon next to the Delete history from oldest to text box to use the Date Entry Calendar to select the cutoff for which you wish to delete Payments/Fines History (see the System Basics User Guide for details).
    • To delete all Payments/Fines History for the patron, enter the current calendar date in the Delete history from oldest to text box.
  4. Click the Delete button.
    • A confirmation dialog displays the message “Are you sure?”
  5. Click the Yes button on the confirmation dialog to delete the specified history. (Click the No button to cancel the deletion and leave the fines history unchanged.)
    • The Payments/Fines History screen refreshes, with the specified history removed from the patron’s record.
  6. Click the Close button to close the Payments/Fines History screen and return to the Patron Status & Checkout screen.