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Branch Item Transfer

You can transfer an item from one branch to another. Branch item transfers may be either temporary or permanent. While in transit between branches, items are assigned an “in transit” status.

NOTE: You cannot transfer items with a status of Checked Out, Patron Lost, or Reserve for Checkout.

To transfer an item to a new branch:

  1. From the Circulation menu (see The Circulation Menu for details), select Transfer – Branch Item Transfer.
    • The Branch Item Transfer screen displays.

Branch Item Transfer Screen

Branch Item Transfer Screen

  1. The Select Destination Library menu shows the name of the library under which you logged in. Do not change this selection unless you are performing an inter-library transfer (see Inter-Library Transfer for details).

    NOTE: The Select Destination Library menu lists all libraries that have been defined for your system. Locations are defined by your Library Administrator.

  2. Select the branch to which the item is being transferred from the Select Destination Branch menu.

    NOTE: The Select Destination Branch menu lists all branches that have been defined for your system. Locations are defined by your Library Administrator.

  3. Select the collection to which the item is being transferred from the Select Destination Location menu.

    NOTE: The Select Destination Location menu lists all collections that have been defined for the selected destination branch. Locations are defined by your Library Administrator.

  4. Indicate whether the transfer is Temporary or Permanent by selecting the appropriate option from the Transfer Type menu.
  5. Enter the barcode of the item being transferred in the Enter Item Barcode text box.

    NOTE: You may not enter a title in the Enter Item Barcode text box.

  6. Click the Submit button to complete the transfer.
    • The screen refreshes and displays the confirmation message “Item (barcode) transferred to : (location)” at the top of the screen.
    • The Status of the item is set to “In Transit,” and the Current Location and Permanent Location for the item are set to the location defined by the Select Destination Branch and Select Destination Location selections. The Owner Location remains unchanged.

    NOTE: If you enter an invalid barcode, the message “Invalid Item Barcode” displays next to the Enter Item Barcode text box, and an audible tone sounds. Re-enter the barcode, then click the Submit button to complete the transfer.

    NOTE: If you enter a barcode for an item with a status of Checked Out, Patron Lost or Reserve for Checkout, the message “This item has a Status of: (current status) by (patron name). It cannot be transferred.” displays next to the Enter Item Barcode text box, and an audible tone sounds. Clicking the patron name opens the Patron Checkout, Status, & Reserves screen for the patron in an additional browser window.