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Emailing the Patron from the Patron Summary Page

You can send an email to the currently active patron from the Patron Summary page of the Patron Checkout, Status & Reserves screen.

To email the currently active patron:

  1. Click the Patron Summary tab at the top of the Patron Checkout, Status & Reserves screen to display the Patron Summary page.
  2. Click the Email Patron button.
    • The Email Patron dialog displays.

Email Patron Dialog

Email Patron Dialog

  1. If necessary, edit the To or From email addresses.
    • The To field is pre-filled with the email address taken from the patron’s User Record.
    • The From field is pre-filled with the default “From” address for your library.
  2. Enter a subject for the email in the Subject text box.
  3. Enter the message you wish to send to the patron in the “message” field.
  4. When all desired content has been entered, click the Send button to send the email and close the Email Patron dialog. (Click the Cancel button to close the Email Patron dialog without sending the email.)
    • The Email Patron dialog closes, and the message “The email has been sent” displays briefly at the top of the page.