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Merging Users

The Merge Users function lets you merge two separate User Records into a single User Record. This feature is intended for use primarily when more than one User Record has inadvertently been created for a single user, or in cases where a given user is being removed from the system and a second user (such as a family member) assumes responsibility for fines, fees and other indebtedness incurred by the first user.

NOTE: Merge Users functionality is optional and may not be enabled for all systems.

To merge User Records:

  1. From the Circulation Staff Menu (see The Circulation Menu for details), select Merge Users.
    • The Identify User to Keep Search screen displays.

Identify Patron to Keep Search Screen

Identify Patron to Keep Search Screen

  1. Locate the User Record you wish to retain in the system (the record into which the second record will be merged).
    • If desired, limit your patron search to a specific patron group by selecting the desired group from the User’s Group menu.
      • Select All User Groups to display users for all user groups.
      • Select the desired user group to display users for the associated group only.
    • Enter the patron’s barcode or last name in the User Barcode or Last Name text box. To view a list of all users associated with the currently specified User’s Group, leave the User Barcode or Last Name text box blank.
      • When entering a barcode, enter the complete barcode.

      NOTE: If your library has enabled searching by partial barcode (see the Circulation Administration User Guide for details), you may enter a complete or partial barcode.

      • When entering a patron name, you may enter a complete or partial last name.
    • If desired, enter any additional search criteria (address, phone number, etc.) in the AND text box, and select the appropriate search index from the IN menu.
      • When Patron Expiration Date is selected from the IN menu, enter the desired date using the format “MM/DD/YYYY.”

      NOTE: If you enter an improperly formatted Patron Expiration Date, an advisory dialog displays the message “Please enter patron expiration date with the format MM/DD/YYYY” when you submit your search. Click the OK button to close the dialog, and re-enter the Patron Expiration Date.

  2. Click the Submit button.
    • A Patron List displays, with the patron that most closely matches your search term shown as the first entry in the list. Use the Previous and Next links to scroll the list forwards and backwards from this point.
  3. Click the User Name link for the desired patron to select the patron to keep.
    • The Identify User to Merge and Delete Search screen displays.

Identify Patron to Merge Search Screen

Identify Patron to Merge Search Screen

  1. Locate the User Record you wish to merge and delete from the system (the record to be merged into the User to be kept record).
    • If desired, limit your patron search to a specific patron group by selecting the desired group from the User’s Group menu.
      • Select All User Groups to display users for all user groups.
      • Select the desired user group to display users for the associated group only.
    • Enter the patron’s barcode or last name in the User Barcode or Last Name text box. To view a list of all users associated with the currently specified User’s Group, leave the User Barcode or Last Name text box blank.
      • When entering a barcode, enter the complete barcode.

      NOTE: If your library has enabled searching by partial barcode (see the Circulation Administration User Guide for details), you may enter a complete or partial barcode.

      • When entering a patron name, you may enter a complete or partial last name.
    • If desired, enter any additional search criteria (address, phone number, etc.) in the AND text box, and select the appropriate search index from the IN menu.
      • When Patron Expiration Date is selected from the IN menu, enter the desired date using the format “MM/DD/YYYY.”

      NOTE: If you enter an improperly formatted Patron Expiration Date, an advisory dialog displays the message “Please enter patron expiration date with the format MM/DD/YYYY” when you submit your search. Click the OK button to close the dialog, and re-enter the Patron Expiration Date.

  2. Click the Submit button.
    • A Patron List displays, with the patron that most closely matches your search term shown as the first entry in the list. Use the Previous and Next links to scroll the list forwards and backwards from this point.
  3. Click the User Name link for the desired patron to select the patron to merge.
    • The Merge Users Confirmation screen displays.
    • The name and address of the User to be merged and deleted is shown below the name and address of the User to be kept.
  4. Click the Submit button to complete the merge and delete process.

    NOTE: When the Submit button is pressed, all transactions belonging to the User to be merged and deleted are merged into the user record of the User to be kept and the User Record for the User to be merged and deleted is removed from the system. Once the transaction is submitted, the process CANNOT be reversed.

    • A confirmation dialog displays the message “Your Merge User request has been submitted and will be processed shortly.”
  5. Click the OK button on the confirmation dialog to close the dialog and return to the Identify Patron to Keep Search screen.

Merge User Confirmation Screen

Merge User Confirmation Screen