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Moving Reserves

The Move Reserves function lets you move one or more selected reserves from one title to another by selecting the title you wish to move reserves from, and the title you wish to move reserves to.

To move reserves:

NOTE: BE SURE to select the reserves to move in the proper order. Select the title you wish to move reserves from first, and the title you wish to move reserves to second.

  1. From the Circulation menu (see The Circulation Menu for details), select Reserves – Move Reserves.
    • The Select for Move screen displays.

Select for Move Screen

Select for Move Screen

  1. Click the Select for Move link for the title you wish to move reserves from, then click the Select for Move link for the title you wish to move reserves to.
    • The Select and Confirm Items screen displays.

Select and Confirm Items Screen

Select and Confirm Items Screen

  1. Use the checkbox associated with each listed reserve to select the reserves you wish to move.
    • A checkmark checkmark indicates the associated reserve will be moved.
    • An empty checkbox checkbox indicates the associated reserve will not be moved.
    • Clicking a checkbox repeatedly will toggle it on and off.
    • Click the Select All link to select the checkboxes for all reserves.
    • Click the Clear All link to clear the checkboxes for all reserves.
  2. When all desired reserves have been selected, click the Submit and Move button to complete the move transaction.
    • A confirmation dialog displays the message “Move of (number of reserves selected) reserves was completed.
  3. Click the OK button on the confirmation dialog to close the dialog and return to the Select for Move screen.
  4. Repeat steps 2 through 5 to move additional reserves.