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Using Express Checkout with Full Record

The Express Checkout with Full Record function lets you check out items to a specified patron without accessing the Patron Checkout, Status & Reserves screen for the patron. Once a patron has been selected for checkout operations, the screen includes a link to the Patron Checkout, Status & Reserves screen for the patron in the event that warnings or fees associated with the item being checked out prevent the use of express checkout.

To check out an item using Express Checkout with Full Record:

  1. From the Circulation menu (see The Circulation Menu for details), select Express Checkout with Full Record.
    • The Express Checkout With Full Record Search screen displays.

Express Checkout with Full Record Search Screen

Express Checkout with Full Record Search Screen

  1. Locate the patron for whom you wish to perform checkout operations.
    • If desired, limit your patron search to a specific patron group by selecting the desired group from the User’s Group menu
      • Select All Groups to display users for all user groups.
      • Select the desired user group to display users for the associated group only.
    • Enter the patron’s barcode or last name in the User Barcode or Last Name text box. To view a list of all users associated with the currently specified User’s Group, leave the User Barcode or Last Name text box blank.
      • When entering a barcode, enter the complete barcode.

      NOTE: If your library has enabled searching by partial barcode (see the Circulation Administration User Guide for details), you may enter a complete or partial barcode.

      • When entering a patron name, you may enter a complete or partial last name.
    • If desired, enter any additional search criteria (address, phone number, etc.) in the And text box, and select the appropriate search index from the in menu.
  2. Click the Submit button.
    • If you entered a patron’s last name, and an exact match to your search term is not located, the patron list displays, with the patron name that most closely matches your search term shown as the first entry in the list. Use the Previous and Next buttons to scroll the list forwards and backwards from this point. Click the desired User Name to display the Express Checkout with Full Record screen for the patron.

Patron List

Patron List

Express Checkout with Full Record Screen

Express Checkout with Full Record Screen

  1. Enter the barcode of the item you wish to check out in the Enter Barcode text box. You may use a barcode scanner to enter the barcode, if available.
  2. Click the Submit button.
    • The All Items Checked Out and Items Checked Out Now fields increment by one, and the specified item is added to the list of Items Checked Out Today.
      • If you enter an invalid item barcode (a barcode that does not exist in your library’s database), the message “Invalid Barcode” displays next to the Enter Barcode text box when you submit the form.
      • If the item is currently checked out (to the currently active patron or to another patron), or if warning or fees are associated with the item, an advisory message displays below the Patron Information fields when you submit the form. You cannot perform checkout operations from the Express Checkout with Full Record screen. Click the Goto Patron Status and Checkout link to access the Patron Status, Checkout & Reserves screen for the patron (see Item Check-Out for details).
  3. Repeat steps 4 and 5 to check out additional items for the current patron.
  4. Repeat steps 1 through 5 to check out items for a new patron.