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Item Check-Out

The Check-Out function lets you record that an item has been loaned to a library patron. You may also use the Check-Out function to renew the loan for a currently checked out item.

To check out an item:

  1. Access the Checkout page of the Patron Checkout, Status & Reserves screen for the desired patron (see Viewing Patron Status for details).

    NOTE: If warnings are currently placed against the patron (patron is nearing expiration date, patron has overdue items, etc.), the Patron Warning Screen displays (see Viewing the Patron Warning Screen for details).

    NOTE: If the patrons borrowing privileges are currently blocked (either manually or by system-imposed “hard” blocks), the message “You cannot continue with this patron” displays. The condition causing the “block” must be rectified before checkout can continue. Depending on the specific reason that the patron is blocked, you can optionally override the block to continue with the checkout (see Viewing the Patron Warning Screen for details).

Patron Status, Checkout & Reserves Screen

Patron Status, Checkout & Reserves Screen

  1. Select Barcode Checkout or Title Checkout from the drop-down menu, as desired.
  2. Enter the title or barcode of the item you wish to check out in the Enter Item Barcode text box, as appropriate.
    • When entering a barcode, enter the complete barcode. You may use a barcode scanner to enter the barcode, if available.

      NOTE: If your library has enabled searching by partial barcode (see the Circulation Administration User Guide for details), you may enter a complete or partial barcode.

    • When entering a title, you may enter a complete or partial title.

      NOTE: When entering a partial title, do not skip words. For example, when searching for "Gone with the Wind", you may enter "gone with" as your search term; you may not enter "gone wind".

  3. Click the Submit button.
    • If you selected Barcode Checkout and entered a barcode for which a matching item barcode is found, the Checkout page of the Patron Checkout, Status & Reserves screen refreshes with the checked out item added to the Items Checked Out On (date) field (see Viewing Current Checkout Transactions for details).
    • If you selected Barcode Checkout and entered a barcode for which a matching item barcode is not found, the system performs a search of the patron database for a matching barcode. If a matching patron barcode is found, the Patron Checkout, Status & Reserves screen for the associated patron displays.
    • If neither a matching item barcode or patron barcode is found, the message “(barcode) Item Not Found” displays.
      • If desired, click the Add Brief Record button to add a brief bibliographic record for the item (see Adding a Brief Record for details).
  4. If you selected Title Checkout and entered a title, the “Item Not Found” screen displays. The Enter New Barcode or Search a Different Field text box is pre-filled with the entered title, and the screen displays a list of titles, beginning with the title that most closely matched your search criteria.

Item Not Found Screen

Item Not Found Screen

Checkout Warning Dialog

Checkout Warning Dialog

  • Click the Continue button to continue with the checkout transaction.
  • Click the Close button to cancel the checkout transaction and return to the Patron Check-out, Status & Reserves screen.

Item Already Checked Out Screen

Item Already Checked Out Screen

  • Click the Renew button to renew the checkout. (Click the Cancel button to return to the Checkout page.)
  1. Repeat steps 2 through 5 to check out additional items for the current patron.
  2. If desired, you may change the due date for any item checked out during the current session (see Changing Due Dates and Times for details).
  3. When all checkouts for the current patron have been completed, you may print a receipt of the check out transactions, if desired (see Printing Check Out Transaction Receipts for details).