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Viewing Previously Checked Out Items

NOTE: The Previously Checked Out items field is available only if the active patron has enabled the Show previously checked out items option (see the Search User Guide for more information) and the Hide Previous Checkout History from staff on Patron Record parameter in Circulation Options is set to No (see the Circulation Administration User Guide for more information).

The Previously Checked Out page accessed from the Patron History page of the Patron Checkout, Status & Reserves screen (see Viewing Patron History for details) lists all items checked out by the patron during a specified time range. Previously Checked Out items are initially listed in alphabetical order, by Title.

To view previously checked out items:

  1. On the Patron Checkout, Status & Reserves screen for the desired patron, click the Patron History tab.
    • The Patron History page displays.

Patron History - Previously Checked Out Page

Patron History - Previously Checked Out Page

  1. Click the Previously Checked Out link.
    • The Previously Checked Out page displays.
  2. Click the Date Entry Calendar icon Date Entry Calendar icon next to the Start Date text box to enter the starting date for which you wish to view previously checked out items (see the System Basics User Guide for details).
  3. Click the Date Entry Calendar icon Date Entry Calendar icon next to the Stop Date text box to enter the ending date for which you wish to view previously checked out items (see the System Basics User Guide for details).
  4. Click the Submit button to submit your search request.
    • The page refreshes to display a list of all items checked out by the patron during the specified time period. Each line in the listing provides the following information:
      • The sequence number for the entry
      • Title - the title of the item checked out to the patron
      • Author - the author of the associated title
      • Barcode - the barcode for the associated item
      • Call Number - the call number for the associated item
      • Date - the date and time at which the checkout transaction occurred
  5. If desired, you can re-sort the list according to a selected sort key.
    • Position the cursor on the column head by which you wish to sort the list.
    • Click the Sort Menu Icon icon to display the sort menu. Select the desired option:
      • Select Sort Ascending to sort the list in ascending order according to the selected sort key.
      • Select Sort Descending to sort the list in descending order according to the selected sort key.
      • Select Remove Sort for a previously selected sort key to return the list to the default sort order.

To print the Previously Checked Out items list:

You can print a copy of the currently displayed items in the Previously Checked Out items list. The Previously Checked Out Items list is printed in the currently selected sort order.

NOTE: If no items were checked out during the specified time period, the message “No data to display” is shown, and the Print button is disabled.

To clear the Previously Checked Out items list:

You can clear (delete) the contents of the Previously Checked Out items list.

NOTE: Only those entries currently shown in the Previously Checked Out items list will be cleared. Other items may still be present in the patrons history. Deleted entries are permanently removed from the patron’s history, and cannot be recovered.