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Editing a Custom Report

You can edit the report parameters, output fields and scheduling options for any currently existing report.

To edit a custom report:

  1. On the Report Writer – Custom Reports screen (see Using the Report Writer for details), click the Edit button for the report you wish to edit.
    • A confirmation dialog displays the message “Are you sure you wish to edit report : (report name)?”
  2. Click the Yes button to open the report for editing. (Click the No button to cancel the edit request and return to the Report Writer – Custom Reports screen.
    • The Report Writer – Select Parameters screen displays. The screen is pre-filled with the currently specified parameters for the report.
  3. Add, edit or delete report parameters as desired, then click the Select Output Fields button.
    • The Report Writer – Select Output Fields screen displays. The screen is pre-configured with the currently selected output fields.
  4. Add, remove or re-sequence output fields as desired, then click the Save Report button.
    • The Save Report for Future Use dialog displays. The dialog is pre-filled with the current name of the report.
  5. If desired, edit the name of the report, then click the Save button.
    • A confirmation dialog displays the message “Your report has been saved. Do you want to schedule it now?”
  6. Click the Yes button if you wish to schedule the report. (Click the No button if you do not wish to schedule the report.)
    • The Schedule This Report dialog displays.
  7. Change the report scheduling options as desired, then click the Schedule button to save your changes.